FACT: Clinton's gutting of the military and intelligence agencies were the direct cause of the intelligence failures that occored prior to 9/11. Those failures made it rather easy for that attack to take place. That is not armchair stuff, is is fact that can be proven. Clinton's and the action of the Congress aided our enemy in killing our people.
I don't trust Obama, he has even less experiance than Clinton did. He works with and agrees with traitors. He is a Marxist. I don't have to wait and see. I will not stick my fingers in my ears. I will shout as loud as I can when he does wrong, and he will. I will fight him in the voting booth in 2010 and 2012 and if he does even ONE thing to cercumvent the Constitution, and he will, all bets are off. I will fight that in the streets if I have too. If I had my way I would jail 100% of ALL National level elected polititions on charges of fraud. I don't like the Dumbecrats or the Rebumlicans. They ALL are liars, cheats and scum. Other than that they are ok. We need to get back to basics. YOU take care of you and yours, I will take care of me and mine. If any need charity I will decide for myself who needs the GIFT of my hard earned money, NOT the government.