A friend of mine in SD carrys a 357 Magnum in the front seat with him and it scares the bee geeves out of me...I for one like to know some idiot ain't gonna loose it at a shopping mall when he or she over spends or in the case of road rage an ole fashion western shootout starts up.
I guess you'll never get to see England either even the bobbies(cops) don't wear guns there. Personally I think the border guards between the US and Canada shouldn't wear them. I seen a DHS officer at Port Huron pulll his weapon on a driver cause he didn't stop right away when he got out of his truck!!What was he going to do? shoot him?? an unarmed person???
I am NOT for banning handguns but more prudent licensing of them.
I think one of the reasons you have this right to bare arms comes from before the revolution when Britain banned ordinary citizens from owning a firarm cause they were scared of a revoluton and your great forefathers injected the right to bare arms in the constitution. I maybe wrong but makes sense to me.
In Canada the right to bare arms means to roll up your sleeves! LOL
My friend I enter your country and respect your laws when I know that joe blow might have a gun and it don't bother me, don't be afraid to enter ours or limit your income just because you have to leave your gun behind. You can be sure if you back up to the wrong dock the reciever won't shoot you.