Book links Obama to massacre of Christians


Veteran Expediter
Senator's continuing ally launches genocidal tribal violence.

U.S. Sen. Barack Obama has continued to support Kenya's Raila Odinga, even after Odinga has been blamed for inciting tribal violence and slaughtering Christians, according to an explosive new book written by WND senior staff reporter Jerome R. Corsi.

In "The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality," Corsi argues that Odinga's protests following his loss to U.S.-backed Mwai Kibaki in Kenya's 2007 presidential election led to a wave of tribal and religious violence aimed against Kibaki's majority Kikuyu tribe.

The violence Obama's ally was blamed for, included the slaughter of some 50 Pentecostal Christians.

As WND reported earlier, during his first visit to Kenya as a U.S. Senator in 2006, Obama openly campaigned for Odinga, to the point where Kenyan government spokesman Alfred Mutua accused Obama of meddling inappropriately in Kenyan presidential politics. Mutua charged during a television news video that Obama had become a "stooge" to Odinga during the Kenyan presidential election campaign. Obama's father belonged to the same Luo tribe as Odinga.

In the disputed Dec. 27, 2007, presidential vote, Odinga charged he was denied winning the presidency by voter fraud.

After the election, Odinga pressed for a power-sharing arrangement in which he would be the prime minister in a government where Kibaki was president, with the two factions sharing a 50-50 power split in the cabinet.

Odinga's claim led to widespread fighting that killed more than 1,000 people in the weeks after the election, leaving more than 350,000 Kenyans displaced.

While proving involvement is difficult, many in Kenya assumed the post-election violence was supported, if not organized, behind the scenes by Odinga and his Orange Democratic Movement party.

In a horrifying incident following the election, at least 50 people, including women and children, were killed when an angry mob forced Kikuyu Christians into an Assemblies of God Pentecostal church and set fire to the church, hacking with machetes any of the Christians who tried to escape the flames.

The violence occurred in the village of Eldoret, about 185 miles northwest of Nairobi. The massacre in the church was part of youth gang violence aimed at harassing the Kikuyu Christian minority, which before the election numbered around 20 percent of Eldoret's 500,000 people.

After the church burning, the vast majority of Eldoret’s Kikuyu Christian minority fled the city, in fear of their lives.

Christian missionaries report over 300 Christian churches were severely damaged or destroyed in the violence that swept the country, but mosques were left undisturbed.

Another horrific report came from the Telegram in London, reporting the wave of post-election violence involved members of President Kibaki's Kikuyu tribe being attacked in Nairobi slums by ethnic groups including gangs of Luo tribe youth and men who were engaging in gang rapes of women and sodomizing boys as young as five years of age.

The Telegraph reported the vast majority of the victims were assaulted in their homes and all had been targeted because of their Kikuyu tribe membership.

Mobs slashed their way into homes, attacking everyone they found with machetes and clubs. Youths raped women in front of their husbands and many wives were then dragged from their homes and killed.


Not a Member
Just have to pick the lesser of the two evels. In my mind there is little dought.

No doubt two disgusting, pandering, flip flopping, liberals.
If you vote Republican your getting a old version of young Bush.
We all know how great the economy and world opinion of us is..
Vote Democrat new taxes and more hand outs. At least me tinks that so far he is showing not to be a war monger


Retired Expediter
No doubt two disgusting, pandering, flip flopping, liberals.
If you vote Republican your getting a old version of young Bush.
We all know how great the economy and world opinion of us is..
Vote Democrat new taxes and more hand outs. At least me tinks that so far he is showing not to be a war monger

He may not be a war monger BUT he will, I have no doubt, set up a set of circumstances that someone will have to clean up after him...


Veteran Expediter
Well....historical documents...uh, you do remember history (facts) clearly shows that a Democrat, Woodrow Wilson was the sitting president at the onset of WW1.

And another socialist, welfare-loving, government spending, citizen taxing (gave us income tax don't you know) and a Democrat by the name of Franklin D. Roosevelt was the sitting president at the onset of WW2. Of course, you ain't seen nothing yet when it comes to taxes should Bama get elected.

Next we have another tax and spend Democrat known as Harry S Truman who was the sitting president during the Korean War (uh, conflict, uh, police action...whatever). The Fair Deal was U.S. President Harry S. Truman's catchphrase for a series of social and economic reforms (uh, read MORE TAXES). The Fair Deal faced a lot of opposition from the many conservative politicians who wanted a reduced role of the federal government.

Well boys, three strikes and you are out! Want to try again. Get your facts straight. War monger?...Sounds like a "Flower Child" from the sixties. War...oh my, lions and tigers and bears. Let's all hold hands and sing Kumbaya. Pleeeease.

Good Morning Vietnam! Kennedy (Democrat) had introduced helicopters to the war and created a joint U.S.-South Vietnamese Air Force, staffed with American pilots. He also sent in the Green Berets. He was succeeded by his vice president, Lyndon B. Johnson (Democrat), who reaffirmed America's support of South Vietnam. President Johnson did not consider Vietnam a priority and was more concerned with his "Great Society" and progressive social programs. (Read: Government Housing, Food Stamps, Welfare off the scale, Free Clinics...) The Great Society was nothing more than a guilt trip laid on the minds of Americans. That is why many will vote for Obama..they seek redemption for actions that they are not even remotely responsible, but they have been made to feel guilty. Well, well, well...two more "peace loving" Democratic presidents.

And who could forget that "peace loving" Democrat whose limp-wristed policies that allowed foreign dictators to believe they could just wipe their feet on us; Jimmy "The Biggest Socialist To Ever Come Down The Pike" Carter. The final year of his presidential tenure was marked by major crises, including the 1979 takeover of the American embassy in Iran and holding of hostages by Iranian students, a failed rescue attempt of the hostages, serious fuel shortages, and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Not to mention giving away the Panama canal. Uh, serious fuel ain't seen nothing yet if Bama gets elected.

I was young, impressionable and stupid...because I bought into Carter's public image...just like young, impressionable and hysterical groupies are buying into Obama's rhetoric. Yep! I voted for Carter. He raised taxes, gave us "DOUBLE DIGIT" inflation and weakened our resolve as a nation. Track Carter's campaign photos (cheezy smile), how he played to the camera, how he conducted his campaign, his political philosophies and you will be shocked at the similarities between Carter and Obama!!!

Mr "b" would have made a better case against "Asphalt Mongers" considering the 42,000+ Americans that died on our highways last year. Of course, that wouldn't make folks feeeel so much better about themselves. Wake up America. Doing right is not about how you feel. It is based upon discernment. Think!

Peace, love, dope.

Oh, the sixties are over; almost forgot.

So get some grit.


Not a Member
Well....historical documents...uh, you do remember history (facts) clearly shows that a Democrat, Woodrow Wilson was the sitting president at the onset of WW1.

And another socialist, welfare-loving, government spending, citizen taxing (gave us income tax don't you know) and a Democrat by the name of Franklin D. Roosevelt was the sitting president at the onset of WW2. Of course, you ain't seen nothing yet when it comes to taxes should Bama get elected.

Next we have another tax and spend Democrat known as Harry S Truman who was the sitting president during the Korean War (uh, conflict, uh, police action...whatever). The Fair Deal was U.S. President Harry S. Truman's catchphrase for a series of social and economic reforms (uh, read MORE TAXES). The Fair Deal faced a lot of opposition from the many conservative politicians who wanted a reduced role of the federal government.

Well boys, three strikes and you are out! Want to try again. Get your facts straight. War monger?...Sounds like a "Flower Child" from the sixties. War...oh my, lions and tigers and bears. Let's all hold hands and sing Kumbaya. Pleeeease.

Good Morning Vietnam! Kennedy (Democrat) had introduced helicopters to the war and created a joint U.S.-South Vietnamese Air Force, staffed with American pilots. He also sent in the Green Berets. He was succeeded by his vice president, Lyndon B. Johnson (Democrat), who reaffirmed America's support of South Vietnam. President Johnson did not consider Vietnam a priority and was more concerned with his "Great Society" and progressive social programs. (Read: Government Housing, Food Stamps, Welfare off the scale, Free Clinics...) The Great Society was nothing more than a guilt trip laid on the minds of Americans. That is why many will vote for Obama..they seek redemption for actions that they are not even remotely responsible, but they have been made to feel guilty. Well, well, well...two more "peace loving" Democratic presidents.

And who could forget that "peace loving" Democrat whose limp-wristed policies that allowed foreign dictators to believe they could just wipe their feet on us; Jimmy "The Biggest Socialist To Ever Come Down The Pike" Carter. The final year of his presidential tenure was marked by major crises, including the 1979 takeover of the American embassy in Iran and holding of hostages by Iranian students, a failed rescue attempt of the hostages, serious fuel shortages, and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Not to mention giving away the Panama canal. Uh, serious fuel ain't seen nothing yet if Bama gets elected.

I was young, impressionable and stupid...because I bought into Carter's public image...just like young, impressionable and hysterical groupies are buying into Obama's rhetoric. Yep! I voted for Carter. He raised taxes, gave us "DOUBLE DIGIT" inflation and weakened our resolve as a nation. Track Carter's campaign photos (cheezy smile), how he played to the camera, how he conducted his campaign, his political philosophies and you will be shocked at the similarities between Carter and Obama!!!

Mr "b" would have made a better case against "Asphalt Mongers" considering the 42,000+ Americans that died on our highways last year. Of course, that wouldn't make folks feeeel so much better about themselves. Wake up America. Doing right is not about how you feel. It is based upon discernment. Think!

Peace, love, dope.

Oh, the sixties are over; almost forgot.

So get some grit.

Actually you can look behind the scenes of many wars and stock market crash youd be suprised who is behind them since the Protocal of Zionism were written in 1897.
And Mr. History have you noticed that every war since WW11 the USA has lost and been for OIL? Or sticking our noses where it really doesn't belong?
I mean really when John McCains first wife,,(the one that waited for him to come back from the war) got hurt and was in a wheel chair...he was off on some function and met the million ares daughter 20 somethings years his junior.. Fools around on first wife then divorces her.. How can you not respect some one who would not honor the marriage comment till death do us part,through sickness and health better for worse..You know what that is,,,You have married people. Thats right public and personal opinions are different..Thats what the media said about Clinton.
I Voted for Reagan twice, Bush Senior Twice, Perot then Dole..I hate to admit this one butI voted for Bush junior twice.
Then I started putting things together you remember from the last post.
And Mr. B has Grit. I put my hand up to die for this country....................Did you?...........Any member of your family?..Who are you to tell me get some grit.
Until you enlist you have no right to tell me or any other vet get some grit. Ever watch people get killed? You should. Opens your eyes to many things.
And to think I was going to do the Christian thing and apologise to you about coming down so hard on a different posting..Or is that only be a Christian and quote and read books when it fits the current moment...?


Veteran Expediter
Yep...Nam era vet.

In fact, everybody in our family has served, including mom.

She was a 1st Lt in the Army Nursing Corp. Her hospital in England was hit by V-1 and V-2's.

Brother did three tours in Nam. LRRP. 173rd SEP Airborne Ranger. Silver Star, Two Bronze for valor, Two Purple Hearts, Legion of Merit.

Dad was a lifer. 20 years Stategic Air Command.

My son was a Devil Dog.

But, I've seen more blood, broken bones, pain and suffering on the highway than I ever saw while serving my country.

Why? Simple. Stats! 55,000 in Nam over 10 years. 550,000 on American highways over 10 years.

Nuff said? Make sense?

Being a Christian doesn't mean that I "roll over" every time somebody chooses to take a shot. Help yourself my friend. You see, milk toast Christians are no threat to Satan and his crowd. Those willing to stand for the Biblical truths are a huge threat; therefore, I'll tell once again, plain and simple...we receive blessings as long as we bless Israel. That means standing beside her. The passage of Scripture is clear and the historical evidence is clear.

FYI. Zionism has little to do with the Scriptures. It, like so many denominations, mixes a little truth with a whole lot of error; like Satan does.

Up until the establishment of the State of Israel a Zionist was defined as "a person... who wants to establish a Jewish State in Eretz Israel.' The key word in this definition is State.

Underlying the Zionist outlook was the ambition to establish a State. Zionism needed full sovereignty more than any other national movement because it demanded the right of unlimited immigration and unlimited settlement, and these could be realized only under full sovereignty.

There were socialist, religious, bourgeois and nationalistic Zionists. Each had his own dream and ideology, but common to them all as Zionists was the final goal of the establishment of a Jewish State in Eretz Israel.

Once the State was established it could be said that Zionism was "over" for it had accomplished its mission. The mountain climber ceases to be a mountain climber once he reaches the summit.

Therefore, the term is now used when someone wants to take a jab at the Nation of Israel. It's know as "ism" syndrome. I am sure you can think of many words ending in "ism".

You want to do a Christian you? Well, don't vote for a person who sat under a pastor for 20 YEARS; a pastor who cursed God from the pulpit. A pastor who blasphemed God from the pulpit. And then when it became politically expedient Obama supposedly breaks ties with Jeremiah Wright. What a joke. Sitting there for 20 years listening to a pastor spew his vile, anti-American sentiment from the pulpit.

McCain was never my first choice. I have said that from the beginning. But considering the world I live in...I'd rather have a Veteran at the helm.

PS. I salute all Vets..even when we disagree.


Not a Member
By the way not really a fan a Carter,,But if we would have just listened to him on Energy Policy...We wouldn't have attacked a nation for OIL Bush 2 or defended a Monachy, Bush 1 which in those old historical documents our forefathers wrote clearly states it was quite ILLEGAL to do.
Also look up Rosenfelts I meant Roosevelt, and Jenny Jacoboson's background dig deep...Then notice how a New York Times Front Page and the New York Daily Express among other papers clearly states judea declares war on Germany in 1933.
And then wonder why the USA and Britain declared war on Germany and watched while Russia and Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili,Stalin.(Uncle Joe) did the same.Except Uncle Joe's country wasn't firebombed..ties in trust me. Then add it all up why/how Roosevelt's,Churchill, Stalin, Kennedy's are all related besides democrats
And dig down to whom mobster Joe Kennedy bought his booze from..Who distributed,,Purple Gang comes to mind who were Gods Chosen..Kind of ties in doesn't it.. And Vietnam ya ya ya If it was to promote democracy why didn't we go to Cambodia? Laos? Ooops forgot they do no have the oil reserves their.
I can prove all this to you...See I do have my facts straight and quite of aware of historical timelines..
By the way look up McCain and theUSS Forestall. While your at look up his father and the USS Liberty who your chosen people attacked and killed Americans trying to get us into war....And for some strange reason they were told not to tell the truth by threat of court marshall,,By who McCain's father
Obama is not perfect he won't win. The masters in our 51st state want McCain. The God fearing republicans are just as screwed up as democrats..
Yes SIR they all disgust me equally. I can find information on Wilson to if you want. As a matter of fact any HYPOCRIT really makes me sick.I never tell anyone to do anything I have never done, or would not do..To bad those limp wrist-ed are the same way.Do you see Bush or any of the republicans kids or families going off to die in a war for special interest? Even Limbaugh yes I was a ditto head one time admitted this war we have now is about oil. What was Carter trying to do????

About the roads,,yes I get mad at the highway deaths but most are just goyim anyways (says in the Talmud we are just cattle) so no big deal............
Really though it is a shame and yes we should lower the speed limits to save fuel and life's


Not a Member
By the way..I don't claim to be Christian. Or do the Christain thing. God know I don't want to sacrifice Goyim...
Another thing..The US was NOT founded on Christian principles, but rather the humanist principles of the Renaissance. "The Rights of Man" by Thomas Paine is much more closer to the founding of this country and its principles then any bible.

The Founding Fathers were not Christian; in fact, if they were alive today, people would be calling them all sorts of nasty names. They watched centuries of torture, murder and the like because of religious strife and set out to create a country free of these horrors.

"In God We Trust" was only added in the '50s, and only as propaganda against the Soviets during the Cold War.

And why are the Unknowing Uncareing Goyim payig a kosher tax on Chemicals and Plastics? Let alone condiments and seafood?
I do salute you and your families service. I don't undertand why you want all of this killing to keep happening when you have seen it.


Not a Member
Kinda proves one of my points about the Oil War that's coming.

USS Liberty Memorial Main Page

Study this link..The Chosen were trying to get us Goyim I meant cattle into their war. McCain's father told the crew be quiet. Lyndon Johnson Liberal Democrat ( We can't embarrass our allies) Friends like this literally who needs an enemy. Still no apologies from the chosen ones trying to get us into their war.
Fast forward to 2008, Quote un quote maniac dictator builds Nukes. Unknown minority becomes a presidential candidate. Runs against a long time politician (war hero) that's another subject.
Iran has humongous untapped oil. We have three fleets in Persian Gulf. Two sovereign nations we attacked have turned into fortresses of American Military Might. Coincidence they surround vast untapped oil?
Right before Presidential elections media unleashes that rumoured tape about Obama's wife..Among other things. Turns more Americans off and not to vote.
Powers that be know for the last 50 years when things get bad or injustice is done in some communties many citizens will riot out of protest. Few Well place instigators Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton,,,,,,its unleashed.
Gods chosen attacks nuclear reactor in Iran, wants the oil to.
How many want to bet one of ships will get fired on again? Their will be so much commotion and chaos on not many will notice or care....Good plan. I m just an Ex Squid If I can figure it out kinda makes you wonder....


Seasoned Expediter
All I know is that a Democratic President with a Democratic Congress is going to be very bad for the "working class"!!!! Since when are you rich if your gross annual income is + $250k/ year, this is what Husein Obama has said!!!!


Seasoned Expediter
$250,000 is the average working class? Hmmmmm I must be doing something wrong. I thought 70,000 was pretty darn good and that was before GM got cheap and hired scabs. Well, it must be nice to be "Working Class". I guess if you only make 25,000 nand have to pay your own health care you're a bum.