

Moderator Emeritus
we need info also.
owner op?
sub contractor?

settlements are usually right on.
see my pm.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There has been a lot of discussion of Bolt. If you read back through the last year of General, Newbies and Recruiter you'll find tons of good information from those who are with them. Good luck.


Expert Expediter
I have done a bit with them as an outside carrier and I have never had any problems. You can take that for what it's worth.


Veteran Expediter
Been with them over a year. Has was said, pay is always on time and right. They aren't the highest paying in the industry, but not the lowest either. If you want to work (stay out 21 -24 days a month and get home for a day when you are close, then take a 2-4 dat break after staying out) you can make money. Dispatch is very good ans Anne and Mark are as honest as the day is long. Safety and Compliance (Hi Barb!!) wants monthly paperwork on time or you will hear from them.

Not knowing what type of truck you are looking to put on, this is pretty general info. Also not knowing your expectations, I can only speak to my own experience, which chances are those are totally different then yours, but as far as making money, I have since day one....

If you have any specfic questions, feel free to PM me.....and yea, do a search and read the old post.......


Retired Expediter
I'd give ya my 2 cents worth,,but since we are in a deflation economy it's not worth a cent.....*LOL*
and I don't even have 2 pennies for that famous pond...:D some research...good luck