So what are you saying? The guy who uncovered this, and uses the software daily, doesn't know what he's talking about?
Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Just because he uses the software daily doesn't mean he understands how it all works, or that he knows what he's talking about, because clearly he doesn't. Some of the things he said in the video are just bust-a-gut laugh out loud funny. It's like he got most of his computer knowledge from the movies or TV, where you can do things like manually override any computer that won't let you in, and use Visual Basic to create a GUI interface to trace an IP address. <snort>
Anyone who is familiar with OCR Layers or PDF Optimization Layers, how they work and how they are created (especially any old school Illustrator users from back in the day who used Illustrator before it had layers), should be able to spot these layers in an instant for what they are. People in the publishing industry have said as much all over the Web, too, where you have people who actually
do know what they are talking about being disbelieved by people who
don't know what they are talking about. It's hilarious.
Expert: No Doubt Obama's Birth Certificate Is Legit -
The layers which are on the birth certificate are simply not the kind of layers that would be (or could be, for that matter) created by hand. They are either OCR computer generated or were created by Adobe Acrobat when the file was compressed, most likely a combination of both, where the PDF was compressed with Acrobat's OCR function turned on, and it would take someone who is intimately familiar with how OCR layers are generated to replicated it by hand, and even then it would be pointless task. One, there's no reason to do all that, and two, if someone did painstakingly go in and manually create those layers, they would, absolutely, have flattened the image before releasing. No one is likely to be competent enough to create those kinds of layers by hand only to be so incompetent as to not flatten the image, especially since the software warns you to do just that when you save it as a PDF file.
You, too can reproduce the same results as were found in Obama’s certificate. No photoshoping required. Not even any OCR required. Simply optimize a PDF for distribution using Acrobat, and separating the text from the background and surrounding areas helps with file compression and thus produces a smaller sized document for dissemination. The layers magically appear once its been optimized.
I just downloaded Trump's birth certificate, made sure it was flat with no layers, and had Acrobat "Optimize PDF" and it saved the file as a PDF file. I then opened that file up in Illustrator and see the same kinds of layers, just a snotload of them. Does that mean Trump released a forged birth certificate? I don't think so.
That's what happens when you Optimize a PDF, it separates out various sections for better compression. Every Quarterly Vehicle Maintenance Report I've sent into Panther has the same layers, because I Optimize the file to reduce it from 2-4 MB to one that's less than 500k. I guarantee you my Quarterly Reports are not forged.
But even if you choose to dismiss the actual truth and believe it's a forgery, do you really and truly believe that the most powerful man in the world, backed by the most powerful Intelligence and Government agencies in the world, would go through such obvious and amateur means to deceive the population, when the Government holds the actual records or the CIA or NSA could just create one from scratch in five minutes if they wanted to? I mean, really.