If your are an indepentent contractor not leased to anyone then the easist way to handle your outstanding invoices is to factor them to a Factoring Service, like TVH Service or any factoring company will to take you as a cleint. you pay anywhere from 2-7% of invoice for there commission, Which is a deductiable expense in the cost of doing business. This way you are paid within 24-48 hours from date they receive a copy of the bill of lading signed with the receivers signiture, they inturn do all the collection of your invoice. if They're invoice is not paid within so many days then they charge your account back for non-payment until they collect. The law states that bill of lading for freight received is 15 days, net 30. from date of invoice. You do not have to go and keep chasing your $$$$. and you have the cashflow to do repairs, pay for fuel and dont have to have more than $5,000 in the back to fall back on.
Check out this factoring idea and get rates and compare. each one is different.
REmember you being the driver, this takes time away from the wheels rolling to make $$$$$, This way all you do is pick=up and deliver and send to the factor, thats all. No Collection proceeding are done are your part, unless the Shipper or Consignee does not pay at all, but the Factor does most of the groundwork for you
Frank Katz
Franks Tax & Business Service
308 E. King St
Kings Mountain NC