Best view from the interstate?


Veteran Expediter
Have you ever driven somewhere and the view made you think you had died and gone to heaven? Let's hear some.

Thought about this post while driving my truck home from Washington state. White Pass on US12 through WA is very nice, with Mt. Saint Helens in the distance. But the clincher for me was Coeur d'Alene, ID off of I-90. The mountains with huge evergreens surrounding a beautiful lake... just hard to believe it's real. If I weren't a Tennessee man, I'd definitely be a potatohead! :7


Veteran Expediter
I don't get out west much so my favorites are further east. Parts of the WV turnpike are really nice and I like US2 along Lake Michigan in the upper penninsula of MI.


Expert Expediter
Before I even read that you said WA I was`thinking Crater Lake. Beautiful. Took some awesome pictures form driving over the bridge.
Crater Lake Oregon, you can look it up online. We never have time to stop at the truly beautiful places to take better pics.
There is another area where you are driving through thick trees and mountains over west somewhere then all of a sudden you go around a curve and the whole different ecosystem. There was no trees only craggy small bushes and big boulders sorta like the desert.Utah and California like at the state line I think. We just thought that was one of the weirdest things.


Veteran Expediter
Best views??? WOW... ok...

I-81 though VA offers some very nice views, as does I-40 going West from Amarillo, TX towards Kingman, AZ... then there's I-70 out of Denver over to I-15, I-90 going East from Washington State thru the northern sliver of Idaho and over into Western Montana is pure Gods Country out there. I-94 across eastern MT and ND... bungee cord the wheel and set the cruise control... you'll be fine, it's straight, flat for the most part. There's parts of I-5 on the west coast that offer some nice views, as well as I-93 and I-91 going up north in NH and VT. There's parts of I-20 from Tuscaloosa, AL on over west to Dallas that are nice as well. Parts of I-70 from KS over to Denver are nice... esp. when the Rocky's appear. I've always enjoyed the views of 40 and 15 out west. Parts of I-81 in NY and into PA are nice as well.

Canada... If your ever up in Quebec, esp. if your brave enough to venture east of Quebec City, try out the drive from St. Anne DeBeaupre and/or Quebec City itself east/north east along the river towns Mont St. Anne Ski Resort and Rt. 360, Rt.'s between Monte St. Anne and Quebec City, and on east up to Rt. 362 and over to Tadoussac and take Rt. 172 up towards Mistassini and around Lak St. Jean, and Val-Jalbert and hit Rt. 155 south to La Tuque and Grand Mere and I-55 over to 40 and south/West over to Montreal.

I must warn all though, that the further east you go into Quebec the more they speak French. Tadoussac more or less shuts down after Nov. 1st because of the winters up there. Best times up there are Aug. and Sept., into October. Up in Mistassini they speak very little English, as well as Tadoussac. That whole region up there is heavy French speaking. Many of those roads are very curvy and have many tight twists and curves... Most Any Place "north of" La Tuque has many curves, mountains, and French speaking people. Beautiful Countrysides though up there. I've only been in Ontario and Quebec in Canada... I like the people of Ontario, and the scenery of Quebec.

I-70 is nice between Denver and I-15, but I sure hope you got a good tranny and Jake Brake, let alone brakes.
I-90 is nice between Seattle and Billiings, MT, but it too is very rough terrain.



Veteran Expediter
Go Do West out of Edmunton AB Canada 200 miles head South towards Vancouver. It is heaven, skies are crystal blue, air is as clean as it gets. Now get to Seattle, take a load to LA-CA now you will know you WERE in heaven.

Have to agree with one of posts no Interstate in the Country has more beauty than all of 81 from TN to NY with the largest city being ROANOKE does not get any better than that.