best load boards for expedite loads?


Expert Expediter
I'm curious here. I recently got my authority and I've been running a mixture of loads, some from the carrier I'm leased to and some on my own. The loads I've been getting on my own have been from, but I'm curious what other load boards are out there where expedite loads can be found. I can usually find something on getloaded, but you really have to weed through a lot of cheap junk to find something paying well. The problem is that a lot of the partial loads on there are just LTL loads that the shipper wants to move really cheap. I've started working directly with some of the brokers and shippers I've contacted on there as well, and I've done fairly well, but I'm curious where some of the other folks on here who run on their own find the loads.


Expert Expediter
My 3 Favorite areas:

1. Chicago (check van count often)
2. Charlotte (refer to #1)
3. Anywhere in the NE or New England area. never seems to be any
vans there every time I drop.

Really depends on what company you are with on which boards are the best.



Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
A lot of the best loads aren't on a broker board. Just like you, we call specific brokers. Sometimes it pays to take two LTL loads to get to a decent rate. Sometimes you may have to lane a load. You may find a small load out of Dallas for a 1.00 a mile, and there is a 1.50 load in Memphis with both going to Chicago.

23 years
EO moderator


Veteran Expediter
Sometimes you may have to lane a load. You may find a small load out of Dallas for a 1.00 a mile, and there is a 1.50 load in Memphis with both going to Chicago.

..... DOH !!!!

Great tip for us noobies Dave. ;)


Expert Expediter
And of course it seems as though I completely missed the question. Maybe I should post that response in mr. goodtudes posts about stupidest mistakes or something.



Seasoned Expediter
I'm tellin you, dave is the greatest source of information. Everyone here is so helpful but you are my number one Thanks Dave!!