Best Cargo Box


Veteran Expediter
OK. Next we need a cargo box.

Once again I would appreciate your input on which cargo box provides the best service.

I am hoping to find something with good sidewall protection because some of the lift operators are a little rough when placing pallets inside the box. If you know what I mean.

I will thank you all in advance for your help.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Look at Hercules before making a final decision. Morgan makes a good box but you have to watch very closely that what you spec is what they build or you'll get something different. They only charge for what they do but they may leave an item or two off.

Leo Bricker, owner trucks 3034, 4958
OOIDA 677319
73's K5LDB
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator 1+ Years of Service
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Expert Expediter
Marda and I strongly recommend both Hercules and our salesman there.
He's Jeff Duckworth.
He has given us extremely good service.
He tried hard to sell us what we've wanted -- not what he wanted to sell.
Jeff is most patient and cooperative.
The Hercules products are well designed, well built, and well priced.
Our new truck is at the Hercules plant right now -- getting the van body installed.
We suggest that you contact Jeff at 270.826.9501 or at [email protected].
No, we do not receive commissions.
We do this as friends and as happy customers.
Bst wishes,


Expert Expediter
I do not disagree with George about Morgan bodies.
But here's a puzzling incident:
When I began the process of designing our new truck, I wrote to a number of body builders, including Morgan, asking for price quotes.
I sent each of them a copy of the features which I wanted.
Only Morgan did not respond.
I sent two or three follow-up letters to Morgan.
Morgan never responded in any way -- no answer, no brochure, no call from a salesman, no call from a dealer -- absolutely nothing.
Was Morgan too busy and too unconcerned to bother with a single small customer wanting a single body?
Was Morgan too busy to tell me to get lost?
That experience has told me much about customer service -- and other managerial attitudes -- at Morgan.
Best wishes to all,

simon says

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I agree with the posts about Hercules and U.S. Truck Body. U.S. Truck will send you out a quote faster than you can ask for it. They stand behind their stuff as well. Check out the truck forum for my post on repairs. Only rear sill, back doors, one side panel, some front work, about $7200 of damage- mostly in labor time. The U.S. box held up well and costs less than Hercules by $1000. Insurance considered it totaled- will still give me good service for less...

However, I think I would get the Herc. regardless, if I need a new one later. Apples vs. oranges: Herc. uses 1 5/16 flooring, very strong 24" side panel centers, and they will make a 96" wide door opening! U.S. will not: mine is 94", and thus one cannot load an 8 ft. piece through it. Hercules may also build just what you want. The quote I got was his heavy, standard spec. that would have gone to Frt. of Knox. I believe.


Veteran Expediter
Does any one have any experience with cargo boxes built by Americas Body Company out of the Cleveland area?


Veteran Expediter
NOTE: Here are some specifics for the America's Body Company cargo box. What do you think in comparasion to the Hercules?

.040 Aluminum, pre-painted white side sheets provide corrosion resistance.

Z-shaped side posts on 16" centers maximize contact points to exterior side panels and interior cargo control.

3/16" Solid buck rivets on 2" centers increase contact points by 33%, exceeding industry standards.

5" Radius extruded aluminum front corner posts reduce wind drag while enhancing body integrity.

Galvanneal rear frame maximizes integrity and corrosion resistance.
12" Aerodynamic radius front reduces wind drag and improves fuel mileage.

1-1/8" ship lap hardwood floor provides maximum floor space for cargo.

3" I-beam structural crossmembers on 12" centers maximize body stability, integrity, and longevity.

Full perimeter steel band on crossmembers for strength.

4" Structural longitudinal body sills maximize body strength with grade 80 steel.

.032 Aluminum one piece roof sheet eliminates the concern of water entry.

Galvanized anti-snag roof bows support roof and protect interior cargo from snags.

Complete body undercoating seals and protects body understructure.

Flush to floor rear entry eliminates body entry concern.

3/8" plywood lining on walls reduces possibility of damage from shifting loads and ensures long body life.

16' Van Body
102" outside width X 102" inside height
2 rows of e-track
Jack/dolly legs at rear
"thank you" switch
Hardwood floor built on 6" centers