Best and Worst runs


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Today Jeff published on the home page several incidents of Best and Worst runs.
I have had my share of runs from hell but the Best one that has stayed with me did not involve any big dollars but had a very grateful customer.
Back in May of 2004 I was laying over in Houston and took a short trip in the AM from the Houston Airport to a hotel which was The Western Galleria. . I had picked up some video and display equipment for a company that was putting on a demo to about 200 potential customers and somehow the equipment never made it in.
I arrived at the Hotel and a very decent pleasant lady was pacing up and down on the lobby steps waiting for the equipment. She gave me a serious hug and said "You have saved my job. If I was unable to put on this demo I would have been fired today". So sometimes we help an individual win one. For some reason that run has stayed with me.


Veteran Expediter
I would call that a best run!

I never saved anyone's job. And my best run, moneywise, ended up starting off a week where I made nada. So that goes to show that if the money is staring you in the face one week, it could be hiding the next.

I'll hafta think of what my best run was. :p


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I've never had the pleasurable circumstance of saving anyones job, at least that I've been made aware of. I don't really know if I could pick a "best run". I've had a run that paid well enough I could have made twice as much money as anyone else on half as many miles had it repeated for a month. I've had a few that were beautiful as far as the weather, scenery etc. and wish more were like them.

I think my worst would have to be a job that delivered in purgatory, I mean Chicago. I was pretty new and had only been to Chicago once about 10 yrs earlier and then only a weekend spent near Northwestern University. The road I chose to cut across town had a low bridge which I later found out is fairly common. Anyway, I had to back up probably 100 yards and then go 1 block the wrong way on a 1 way street to get out of there. It was about 01:00 so it wasn't as bad as it could be.

I was given good advice by a security guard as to how to cross town and got to the other side with no more hassles. I found the road my qc directions said take and took it. When I got to the dead end I could see where the delivery went, about 1/4 mile away on the other side of a viaduct. I turned around and called the company to up date them. They gave me new directions which I foolishly followed. That took me to a street that was truck restricted. I called again and got newer new directions that took me another few miles the opposite way but did get me to a street that took me to the street the delivery was on. I backtracked about 5 miles and there they were. I should have taken the first major street I got to rather than following the company directions. It was the street that ran below the viaduct that blocked me in the first place.

I finally got there about an hour late and to ice the cake they wouldn't put a forklift in anything without at least 2 back axles. It didn't matter I had dolly legs down and informed them. They did have an electric pallet jack though so I did a cross between Evel Knieval and A.J. Foyt with it while unloading the skids of mailers (it was a post office). I had a few "wrecks" with their electric pallet jack when it would sneak into overdrive but nothing debilitating to me or anything else. It was kind of fun but that was the only fun part of that load.

Leo Bricker, owner trucks 3034, 4958
OOIDA 677319
73's K5LDB
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Veteran Expediter
Saving the best for last & getting the worst one's out of the way first.

No one run comes to mind when I think of "worst". There's a few that kind of stick out in my mind though. One was when I was in the mountains of Pa, driving a cube van that wasn't mine. I'd went from Michigan to NJ & this thing didn't even have a radio in it. Coming home from NJ, I was doing maybe 25 when I got on this bridge. This wasn't a regular bridge, but one that was maybe 400 feet high. Not real sure of the exact height, but one of those where ya could easily bungee jump off it. A little river at the bottom. One of those kinds of bridges. I skidded & was facing the wall of the bridge. I managed to get the thing straightened out, but mannnnnnnnnnnnnnn, was my heart-a-BEATIN!!!!! When I got across the bridge, I pulled over for a few minutes to get my bearings straight.

Another one, also weather related, was when I was driving to Minnesota. 10MPH was about all we could go. I called dispatch & told em the conditions, they told me to keep driving. Even then I thought it might be better to wait until morning & just add 10MPH to my speed. 6 hours of that driving was going to get me 60 miles further down the road. That time could have been better spent sleepin & just drive a lil faster once the salt trucks had been out.

Anyways, I came down this steep hill which then went back up. I could see a whole slew of trucks at the bottom of the icy hill. Unable to get up the next one. I started to slide a lil. Truckers on the CB behind me were SCREAMING in a panic. They were sliding down & in many cases unable to control their vehicles. When I got to the bottom of the hill I barely missed hitting a few trucks that were down there. Somehow I managed to make it to the top of the next hill, but that was enough driving for me on that particlar day.

Now, the BEST runs I've had aren't in expediting. They're actually from running pizzas. One delivery I had, this lady would order between $14-18 in food & always gave me $30 & I kept the change. I'd also stop in & play her son a game or 2 of foosball, which they had a table in their basement.

Another set of great runs were when I worked in this city called Lake Orion, Michigan. Women in bikini's would answer the door quite a bit in summertime. Often ya'd go to thier door & they'd yell out "WE'RE IN THE BACKYARD!!!" & ya'd go back there, to either their pool or the lake if they lived on it.. & ya'd see all these women in biknis!!! Mannnnnnn, what memories those were. The whole town seemed to be a party town. If ya took 20 deliveries in a given nite, it seemed at least one or 2 people would offer ya a beer to go w/ your tip. Yes I took the beers, no I didn't drink while driving. Plus I got a fair amount of invites to their parties. I'm not trying to imply that everyone who had a party would invite me, but every few weeks or so someone would.

Also, there was this lady who would order food & have me stop & pick her up a carton of cigarettes on the way over. She tipped quite well also. $73 I think was my best tip from her. Plenty of tips in the $30-40 range. Very affluent. She invited me to a New Years Eve party. No way was I gonna go to that one though. A whole slew of stockbrokers & those kinds of people & me coming to this thing as "the pizza guy" LOL!!

Yeesh, how times have changed. Now that it's 2006, I'm sitting home on Friday nite. Mannnnnn, to quote the Kinks..where did all the good times go?

Anyways, posting this sure did bring back some good mammories.. errrr, "memories" =)

Be well everyone,


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
Nothing is better than when they (customer) are happy to see you.
If it was a tough trip, it makes it all worth while.
You can't beat saving someones job.

21 years
EO moderator


Veteran Expediter
Ahhh... Lake Orion... nice lake.

Sat one day and watched the idiots run into each other with their jet skis...ahh... Lake Orion. That Winter watched two idiots go out on the ice and try to cut a hole in the ice. It wasn't really a frozen lake and they had a bit of a problem when all their equipment sank. They made it but hey those ice cutters are not cheap. We dreged it up in the spring. Oh I have to stop dreaming about summer.

Well best expediter run? Uh? the one the other day, great pay and was fast. Was home for dinner. outside of that, i had one run where they were so happy to see me i got dinner and a bunch of hugs from the office girls. I still have no clue what was so important with the box i brought.

Worst run? uh? let's see.... there were two....

one was at Ford. they did not want to do anything. not unload my truck, not unload anyone's truck for that matter. refused to sign anything and went to lunch a few times.

the other was a nightmare trying to first find the place, wrong address and then find the load. After I got loaded, there was a change while I was on my way to drop it off, go back the other way. again wrong address and when i got there i had the wrong stuff, not my fault.

Oh well.


Veteran Expediter
The best paying run with PII had to be one frome the house. Got a call asking me to run over to fed ex ( small letters done on purpose );) 20 miles away, and deliver to the airport 7 miles from there. Then back home 22 miles. Did all that in about 1 1/2 hours for a flat rate of $250.00.