Doggie Daddy

Veteran Expediter
this is something that we are all exposed to,but i don't recall anyone posting about.while we are not exposed daily to it or even weekly,i would say that several times a year we are approached by people looking for a hand out.some of these people really seem to be sincere individuals that for whatever reason find themselves in a bind,while others come across as low lifes that are just out to con you out of a few dollars so that they can get themselves a 6 pack or seems that everyone has a story(car broke down...need a little bit of gas to get to get where there 3 kids that need food...etc,etc)some of them come across to me as having too polished of a story,like they have told it many times before.we are beyond helping someone who we believe has a genuine need,but being able to tell those people from the scammers can be tough sometimes and you just can't give everyone who asks a few bucks or you will find yourself in financial trouble.we were in simi valley,ca. at a strip mall,and watched as a man dropped off a woman and her dog.after exiting the vehicle she immediatly sat down under a tree and pulled out a sign that said "STRANDED WITH DOG,PLEASE HELP, GOD BLESS"now i have no way of knowing if this person was really in need or if she was being dropped off there everyday,but after watching for about an hour if she was scamming people business was very good.last night while parked at the adrian,mi walmart waiting for a pickup in the morning,at 4:00am there was a knock at the door.there was a girl wanting money for gas,no story about being stranded or anything just expecting me to hand her money.well i can tell you that after waking me out of a sound sleep i was not too eager to do that. it just irks me that people think that truck drivers are a soft touch or stupid or both and are fair game for their mooching tactics.i know that this post is getting rather long winded,just curious what everyone else thought about it and what do YOU do in these situations. DD.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
It,s rare that I give money,usually the story I get is a guy comes up to the truck with a piece of metal that has a hole in it. "Mister can you help me out,this is an x bar from my car and I need a replacement.I only need $4.39 to get one and I can get home to my family". Right on. These people get me poed big time especailly the younger ones.
Now my wife is 180 degrees opposite,to her any story is valid and she would give every dime we have to someone with a hard luck story. I have told her "If you keep this up one of these days you will be begging". Of course that goes over real well.LOL

Glen Rice

Veteran Expediter
Great posting! Our decision to give or not to give is based on our gut feeling for for what we see and feel at the moment. There are people who truly need all the help they can get. Unfortunately we would never see these people as there mental condition would'nt allow them to create this type of scam that we see everyday. I remember 20 years ago while in Sparks Nevada when a young [30 something] approached me and asked if he could clean my windshield for a cup of coffe. He stated that he worked in the timber industry and had lost his job in Washington state. I gave him money for coffe and when he went into the restaurant he was treated worse than any human I had ever seen. The manager called the police and even though he had the money for coffe, the police ran him out to the edge of town and dropped him off and said don't come back. My disgrace that day is that I did'nt tell the police he was with me, and if I could do it over again, I would of bought him what ever he wanted to eat. To this day I feel I failed him and myself. I don't mean to ramble, I just feel today you have to do what is in your heart and look at each individual situation on an individual case. We have compassion in our heart for a reason. Some days you just have to show it.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
The ones that get MY goat are the squeegee bums.
They stand at the bottom of off ramps and want to wash your windows for spare change.
Most of those b*stards look young and reasonably hale and hearty. It's just that they are so full of tatoos and piercings nobody would hire them for a real job.
I hate watching those young people as they waste their lives.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Yes, it makes you wonder where they get the money for all those tattoos and piercings which are not cheap!


Expert Expediter
Avoid Beggars on the Hwy 58 and Weedpatch exit (usually Eastbound exit) in Bakersfield, CA. I drive by there dialy, and have noticed the same people begging, and then proceed to a park and ride not far away. It's Scam, and they are usually driving newer cars... Wonder if they told the banks how they planned on making the payments? eh, oh well I guess. Heck I even wave at em, but still don't give them anything. :7

-Joe Bohannon
Bakersfield, CA


Veteran Expediter
> It's Scam, and they are
>usually driving newer cars... Wonder if they told the banks
>how they planned on making the payments?

What payments? Are you kidding, these folks are cash and carry kind of people!!
I have to agree with Glen, there are some who REALLY DO need help, follow your heart. Sorry Rich, don't let the little woman read this one. LOL

Of all the things I've lost in my life, I think I miss my mind the most!!


Veteran Expediter
My father-in-law told me that if someone asks for money for food, tell them you'll buy them something to eat. The drunks and druggies always take off after that.


Expert Expediter
>> It's Scam, and they are
>>usually driving newer cars... Wonder if they told the banks
>>how they planned on making the payments?
>What payments? Are you kidding, these folks are cash and
>carry kind of people!!
>I have to agree with Glen, there are some who REALLY DO need
>help, follow your heart. Sorry Rich, don't let the little
>woman read this one. LOL
>Of all the things I've lost in my life, I think I miss my
>mind the most!!

I'd like to meet the kinda people who can pay cash on a brand new Cadillac Escilade (sp?). Or better yet, maybe not, after all this is in CA. While on most situations I admit not knowing if people begging are really bad off or not. My post was really an attempt at helping people at not getting scammed by these people in this particular location. It does kinda make you wonder how much money people can make scamming those of us who are kind hearted. One rip off was enough for me not to help >most< people asking.

-Joe Bohannon
Bakersfield, CA


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
I agree that it is mostly gut feeling. There are so many resources available to these folks if their plight is legit. There are county facilities,churches and the salvation army. Then again, there is food and a little income, which is what they are seeking in the first place. We only give cash under the right circumstances. Other than that, the three mentioned get a check once a year.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
There are a few legit needy people out there. Its just being able to determine the ones in need from those who just want a free ride. The wife and I never give cash. But have given some food on occasion to some individuals who greatly appreciated it. As for the comments about the people with tattoo's and piercings. I don't have any piercings. However I am heavily tattooed. So I guess I am a bum in the eyes of those who made the comments. If I ever see you broke down on the side of the road or need a hand. When, I pull over to lend you a helping hand. I'll be sure to wear long sleeves so I don't offend you. :) :D :D


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
Atta boy neverhome. Help them out but don't offend them. That's a good one. Stereotypeing (sp) is a way of life. Maybe to cut thru the chaff, you should leave your shirt off and ask if they like your tatoos or not before you hook up the chain. Might save you some work. (Heh,Heh) On the subject of beggars, when I first started this business it seemed I was approached frequently. So, I decided to start a fund for helping these folks out purposes. I set aside $200 and gave each of them I funded a business card and asked when they were able to pay it back, please do, so I might be able to continue to help needy folks. Guess what? The $200 disapeared I never once recieved anything back so, I cannot be a good sam anymore.
When someone approaches me these days for a little help I relate this story to them. They are not impressed. Regardless my good sam budget has been used up.


Expert Expediter
My last incounter with a homeless person, was a lot like Glens. It was a week or so beforre Christmas. I was in my four wheeler at a gas station getting gas, when this young lady pulled in behind me in an old S10 pickup with a topper, and it looked to me like all her possesions were in that truck. I thought she was waiting to use my pump when she approched me and said. I need something to eat. Thats all she said. I looked at her and her truck and she said, I have gas, I need something to eat. Well I told her To go inside, I would meet her there and pay for whatever she wanted to eat. She met me inside and picked up some Bugles and two Bean Barritos. I paid for them and my gas and left. I felt kind of good about myself,for helping someone in need,at Christmas time. And then It hit me. I didn't ask her what or if she wanted something to drink. You know that bothered me the rest of the day. I won't give money to anyone asking for it,but I will never let anyonre go without eating if they are hungry. Not In This Fine Country. No body should be hungry in the USA. Ok I fell of my Horse Take it away Guys....Drive Safely...Butch.:D :D :D


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Never Home,I don,t believe Weave was critical of someone having tattoo,s or piercings. What I got from his post is where do the beggars get the bucks to pay for the tattoo,s etc.
One time I was at an Arbys somewhere in Illinois and a family came in and you could see that they were in pretty bad shape.Looked like everything they owned was in a old beat up Ford. They boug 2 sandwiches,and proceeded to cut them in half so that everyone could eat something. They also said a small prayer before eating.
This really touched me so on my way out I went to the counter,gave the clerk a $20 bill and said " see what those folks would like and use the whole $20." Needless to say it made me feel good,sometimes bad things happen to good people.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
One of the advantages of a planned giving program is the ability to decline "beggar" requests with a clear conscience. There will always be greater needs than your ability to meet. If you already know you've made a committment to helping specific folks or organizations, you need not feel guilty turning down an unsolicited request. That works for me most of the time. But then there is also that nagging teaching of Jesus in Matthew 25:

"When the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, 33 and he will place the sheep at his right hand, but the goats at the left. 34 Then the King will say to those at his right hand, 'Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; 35 for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.' 37 Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see thee hungry and feed thee, or thirsty and give thee drink? 38 And when did we see thee a stranger and welcome thee, or naked and clothe thee? 39 And when did we see thee sick or in prison and visit thee?' 40 And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.' 41 Then he will say to those at his left hand, 'Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels; 42 for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.' 44 Then they also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see thee hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to thee?' 45 Then he will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not to me.' 46 And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."

At least it does not say, "I was out of gas and needed cash to get home."


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Navy
great subject

in hampton roads area we have a couple of guy's who hang out on shore drive and couple of other places and stand on corner and say will work for food, one day stop and ask if they want something to eat
they said yes if you would give us couple of bucks we could go to mcdonld's , i said would give them half of my lunch, and they
gave me some awful dirty looks and now when i see them on the corner
they don't wave

Tom Robertson

Veteran Expediter
Great post DD...
My wife accuses me of being the biggest sucker in the world. I tend to believe anything anyone tells me, until they prove they can't be trusted, and I am especially touched by those in need.
A few years back there was a guy standing near the exit of an interstate near our house, with a sign saying..."will work for food".
Stopped a few cars back from where he was standing, I said to my wife, "give that guy a couple of bucks." She told me this was a scam, and told me to pull up next to him. She lowered the window and said something to the effect of... "we live nearby and I have some odd jobs around the house... I could use your help and I will not only feed you but pay you a little cash as well." The guy was not the least bit interested in working or eating... he was just there to collect cash.
I think perhaps those who really need help, don't really construct signs asking for it.
It's a shame that these rip off artist adversly affect our willingness to help. There's nothing quite like the feeling of helping someone who really needs assistance...and then watching that person get in a car newer than yours and drive away.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
I gave this guy $2.00 when I saw him in Times Square. Honesty appreciated.


Expert Expediter
While like many here I would not hesitate to help in some way somebody in genuine need in situations like RichM and FlamerMerc mentioned. However I am sick up to my eyeballs with the scammers just fishing for free money. Here in the Baltimore/DC area you can't go all day without seeing this somewhere. Also like others here I regularly donate to local worthy causes like the Volunteer fire department, local food bank etc. I also drop change into the various jars on the counters in many C-stores. I am not wealthy and some months are pretty thin money wise but when I was down others have reached out to help me and I have an obligation to return that.

Mike N

Faster than a speeding poulet.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I didn't mean to offend anyone with tattoos Neverhome, at least not those who can afford to have them;) One just has to decide for themself if helping beggars is what they desire to do. For the most part the ones in truck stops are likely to be crack or ? addicts. Thst is why they are at the truck stop, a good base of potential customers going in and out. If they get $10 each from 15 people a day, 6 days a week, they have $900 a week tax free to buy their drugs. A very nice deal indeed. And if you doubt my guess that they are addicts, just talk to a manager of a truck stop who calls the police to chase out the same group of people day in and day out. Sorry, no sympathy from me for them.
I am well noted for stopping and assisting people who are broken down or in obvious need of help on the road, as these are not beggars. I am however sort of subjective when doing this. I slow down and size up the situation, and if it looks ligit (flat, smoke, leaks, good looking lady, kids etc) I stop and assist. If it looks scary, I take off. Some of the people I have stopped for were very grateful just for me letting them use my phone or swapping on a spare. I feel the good deeds done with these people who truly are in need makes up for my lackadasical attitude towards the common beggar.