Been thinking.


Seasoned Expediter
Been thinking alot lately, and yes had been drinking some. Only was able to get one load and am very discuraged.

I was wondering how to be a part owner of a business and focus more on the grunt work than the selling and other administrative functions. Tried to find a company to work with, but everyone that I talked to wants the mefical card.

Any ideas?


Seasoned Expediter
Is the medical card something you don't want to do or can't pass?

Two eye specislists gave me tests that prove that I surpass the qualifications, but the FMCSA requieres 3 years driving a cmv, over10000lbs, before I can get the excemption even to enroll in CDL school. My van is under 10000 lb combined weight rating, not cmv. Been way more bother than its worth, unwinnable.

Need to find job or a way to haul small loads. Starting to feel like a failure, but do know that Ill find a way through it.


Veteran Expediter
...but the FMCSA requieres 3 years driving a cmv, over10000lbs, before I can get the excemption...

Starting to feel like a failure, but do know that Ill find a way through it.

Joe, you and I are in the exact same boat. Do stay tuned, though, because that three-year rule is under review. I will pray for you :)


Seasoned Expediter
Joe, you and I are in the exact same boat. Do stay tuned, though, because that three-year rule is under review. I will pray for you :)

Thanks, I can use lots of prayer. Decided that vision exemption is too much of a pain to deal with, it will be the ssme story at every renewal.

On the good side, I didnt qualify for the Dept. Of low vision services job placement program. The person I talked to understood dealing with political BS and eye issues.

He ueed to work for the Dept. Of Rehabilitstive Services specializing in ADHD and we had a great talk. I got fired from ADHD related issues and he said that they can help me with dealing with coworker distractions and other coping skills.

They have a job placement program and training as well. For the Blind, I am considering volunteering computer tutoring. I enjoy helping others and that may be a good fit.

Cargo tranport is still high on my list, it is one of the best ways to think and listen to eductional recordings. Automobile University as Zig Zigler used to call it. Possibly transport things for Nonprofits to get paying contracts elsewhere?