Baseline Budgeting & The Mack / Penny Plan


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Finally, a budget plan that makes sense (and has zero chance of even being brought up for a vote).
The Mack/penny Plan for Balancing the Budget in a Decade--THE BEST

By M.L. Cook

The first thing you have to understand about the current deficit crisis is the concept of baseline budgeting (BB), which our nation has practiced since 1974. Under BB the budget of every department in the federal government not only continues automatically into the next fiscal year, but gets increased!

The rate of automatic increase is substantial--7.5%, which is far beyond inflation or population growth. It is far beyond our current growth in GDP. The 7.5% is our official government growth rate (which Obama has actually managed to substantially exceed the last 2.5 years, a pretty incredible feat!) BB drives an enormous segment of our over-spending problems, but is almost never mentioned by the chattering class.

Have you heard about those terrible, horrific, excessive, irresponsible Republican/TeaParty attempts to slash government spending? To hear it said, you would think that at least the cruel, cold-hearted Boehner plan would eliminate this 7.5% growth factor.

Not so. The Boehner plan achieves less than $50 Billion (with a B please note) total spending reduction which will barely knock the rate of growth of spending down to 7.4%.
Understandably, conservatives with a Tea Party tilt to their feather-plumed wide brim hats want a much better plan. Even the vaunted Cut, Cap, and Balance plan would not return the USA to the balanced budget we last enjoyed in 1997, not for a long, long time. Democrats could not even tolerate CCB's moderate measures.

A better conservative plan, probably the best conservative plan, has been proposed by Sen. Connie Mack of Florida after collaboration with Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky. It is called the Mack/penny plan, after the notion that the federal government beginning next year would have to first reduce the BB rate of growth from 7.5 to zero, and then further reduce every department budget by one cent (a penny) for every dollar spent for six years in a row, hence Mack/penny.
The Mack/penny approach is an absolute spending reduction. With BB gone, this is a cut that draws real blood, not projected blood. The pain will be real. The good news for the Obama White House is that the executive branch can elect to decrease one department by 9% so that it can raise another department by 8% if it wants. The one per cent cut is not a flat rate for every department, but the total federal budget must go down one per cent.

Mack/penny would run these 1% cuts for six years, then cap the rate and at 8 years institute an iron clad balanced budget law. Even doing all this, Sen. Mack thinks it would be ten years to achieve the balanced budget (like we had in 1997) once again.

A one per cent cut in spending every year can be presented to families as not something so extreme as to be unprecedented in their own household budgeting. Sometimes most of usl have to do that much, or much worse. It is a cut easy to explain, easy to visualize.

One major problem looming for Mack/penny will be Social Security and Medicaire. Because of the aging population social security costs can't be easily contained and because of Obamacare we are essentially putting 30 million new people into a quasi private-public insurance wonderland. Probably the only way for Mack/penny to accommodate those challenges will be means testing. The one penny per dollar rubric could be maintained by only applying that reduction rate to the richest 10% of pensioners.

Do we really want to do anything about the National Debt reaching 16 Trillion dollars in this budget, and likely 30 Trillion by 2025? A mediocre plan that we begin this year will do immensely more good than a more meticulously-crafted plan (by politicians, so add grain of salt) than we don't get around to for 5-8 years. That truth springs from the relentless crunching of irresistible numbers. What we were taught in business school about the miracle of compound interest is working very decidedly against us today.

Newsvine - The Mack/penny Plan for Balancing the Budget in a Decade--THE BEST
Maybe one of the budding presidential candidates will decide to promote this idea - it would make a good plank in the conservative platform. This could be combined with some mild tax reforms and giving businesses some relief from the strangling govt. regulations preventing any kind of economic recovery. Of course NONE of this will happen so long as the democrats control the Senate and a socialist occupies the White House.


Veteran Expediter
It makes sense but really doesn't address the issue of the Now. 1% sounds like a start, the budget baseline reduction is a very big issue and has been since the 30's but you have two factors involved that are external to this; one is a lame congress who worry about reelections and the other is the federal worker who is allowed to vote.

If they are serious, cut 10% of the entire budget across the board and do it again next year.

We take in 2.2 trillion dollars a year but we spend 3.2 trillion dollars a year. We are running a debt increase of a trillion every year and this is not all inclusive.

Unless we take it serious enough to do across board cuts now, we won't see any real debt reductions because of either the administration or congress will forget what was done in the recent past.

We didn't have a balanced budget in '97 by the way.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It's better than anything the left has offered or likely will offer. I'd vote for it as a good start.