barry's Dog Gets Own Plane on Vacation Trip


Veteran Expediter
LOL... yeap, "give him a chance" how many of you know people that are having a hard time making ends meet, let alone buy a airline ticket!?!? Well thoe that cried that ome of us were wrong and out touch about barry should enjoy this:

Obama’s Dog Gets Own Plane on Vacation Trip

July 17, 2010 | Filed Under
-By Warner Todd Huston

Noblesse Oblige: Obama’s Dog Gets Own Plane on Vacation Trip &laquo Publius Forum

The Morning Sentinel, a small paper from the state of Maine, has a travelogue story of the Obama’s vacation in and about North Carolina today. It has a very interesting little tidbit in it that should enrage every American. It is something that really shows Barack Obama’s arrogance and his obviously assumed air of noblesse oblige.
Among the exciting details of the Obama’s visit to Acadia National Park in Bar Harbor is this tidbit:
Arriving in a small jet before the Obamas was the first dog, Bo, a Portuguese water dog given as a present by the late U.S. Sen Ted Kennedy, D-Mass.…

As the rest of us toil on the unemployment line, as millions of Americans find their retirement accounts dwindling, their hours at work cut, and their pay scale trimmed, King Barack and Queen Michelle are flying their little doggie, Bo, on his own special jet airplane for his own little vacation adventure.
Well, it must be nice to be able to afford to fly your doggie about the country whenever you feel like it. It must be nice to hire people to act as your dog’s escort. It must be comforting to know that you have the power to arrange such luxury for a dog.

As America lurches toward depression our leader is wasting millions on constant vacationing — 16 vehicles were used to drive the Obama’s around North Carolina — and affording his dog …his dog… his owns special jet airplane.
Air traffic at the small Han**** County-Bar Harbor Airport in Trenton was shut down for the presidential arrival. A U.S. Coast Guard helicopter patrolled the air in anticipation of the first family’s touchdown, and a pair of local fire and rescue trucks stood ready on an otherwise empty tarmac at the private air hangar.
The Obamas then traveled onto Mount Desert Island in a motorcade of at least 16 vehicles. It was led by two Maine State Police cruisers and included five black Chevrolet Suburbans.

And all this on OUR dime, folks. We are paying for our monarch to fly his pets around the country on their own special jets, folks.
Perhaps Barack Obama isn’t like a king. Perhaps he’s more like an emperor? An emperor like the fiddling Nero.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
I read a story like this, and my BS Meter immediately begins to loudly buzz and the red light starts flashing. There is no friggin' way the Obama's chartered a small jet solely for their dog, yet that's what this article not only implies, but states outright that the dog had his own plane.

And it's a bald faced lie.

Even the "little tid bit" was edited to read something other than what the Morning Sentinel actually said. Unbefriggin'lievable. It's bad enough when people twist the truth or take things out of context, but this Beautiful Mind actually chopped a sentence in half and used the part he wanted to justify lies and assumptions.

It's a lie. It's a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive, an intentional untruth. It's a lie. And then it got posted here by someone who KNEW it was a lie, and posted it here for the express purpose of deceiving, of lying to fellow OE members. It is an outrage! And I for one am insulted and offended by it. (I'm practicing my fake outrage. I'm not that good at it, tho, so gimme a break.)

The President didn't fly the normal Boeing VC-25A as Air Force One, since that plane cannot land on the runways at the airport in Trenton, Maine. Instead a Gulf Stream GIII, which is a two or three-crew executive, corporate transport jet gets used. It is same as the military's C-20 series of planes, and is configured as a C-20C, which is the same as the C-20B except it has hardened communications.

It is the standard backup plane that accompanies the Boeing VC-25A on all flights when the VC-25A is operating as Air Force One.

When the C-20C is operating as Air Force One, two additional planes are generally needed to carry everyone in the group, including the family, personal aids, political aids, Secret Service, and the press pool and whoever else is tagging along.

In this case of the trip being a vacation, fewer aids and press came along, resulting in only one additional plane being needed, and it was needed for more than just the dog.
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Retired Expediter
But even the Morning Sentinel didn't give the full story. For that I had to consult Paul Harvey.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
No, it was a joke, in that the Sentinel didn't give "The Rest of the Story", mainly because the Sentinel pieces wasn't politically motivated. The news story states quite plainly:

"Arriving in a small jet before the Obamas was the first dog, Bo, a Portuguese water dog given as a present by the late U.S. Sen Ted Kennedy, D-Mass.; and the president's personal aide Reggie Love, who chatted with Baldacci."

Which is a pretty clear indication that the dog didn't have its own plane, since Reggie Love was on that plane, as well. The news story didn't give the illusion that the dog had its own plane, and then the neo thugs picked up on it, the neo thugs simply eliminated the bold part of the story above to give the sentence an entirely different meaning, one that's simply not true.

People call it spin, but it's really nothing more than a blatant lie.


Veteran Expediter
sure the dog was "along" for the ride..yea reggie was there with the dog...but it has to fit the agenda..and it does....even the blogger said it "must be nice to hire someone to escort your dog"...that is a bit of a stretch, but it still fits the agenda for the masses to show "waste" on barrys part.....:D


Veteran Expediter
ovm wrote:

exaggeration, omission and just plain lying to suit your agenda...

LOL some whats new!?!? You really don't think me or the MSM are going to change anytime soon do you!?!? :D


Staff member
Retired Expediter
...but it has to fit the agenda..and it does....even the blogger said it "must be nice to hire someone to escort your dog"...that is a bit of a stretch,...
It's not even a stretch. It's an implied falsehood. Reggie Love was hired long before they got the dog, and taking care of the dog is an additional duty for Reggie. What should have been said is, "It must be nice to be able to hire a personal assistant." At least that would have been semi-honest.

but it still fits the agenda for the masses to show "waste" on barrys part.....:D
But it fails to do that, because it's based on a lie. And it fails utterly within the agenda at all because if you know what happened, then you know that two planes instead of three were used on this trip specifically to save money, since the entire press corps tagging along is unnecessary for most vacation trips.

Instead, this goober scrounges a couple of tid bits out of a local newspaper, then had to edit it to conform to the story he wants to tell, and then tells it as if it actually happened. I guarantee you, this guy sits there every day looking, looking, looking, for anything he can use to show waste. He's the "Bacon, bacon, bacon," dog. Then he finds something and wets himself.


Veteran Expediter
Isn't the logistics for these trips handled by the Secret Service and the military and Obama has nothing to do with resource assignment?


Veteran Expediter
Turtle, we have talked about this kind of thing before...yes alot of people will see it for what it is, for the most part b/s...but there is also the marginal people and those that don't even take the time to look past the bloggers article and take it at face value, so it does work to the agenda...not for all, but for those that take it at face value and are marginable in their commitment to him and feel that he hasn't done what he told them to get them to vote for him...i mean he is losing the youth vote now....

As OVM said, it nothing more then the same crap that the MSM does to the opposite extend in that barry is the messiah.....

Come on, I posted this bloggers stuff and there was never a moment that I thought you wouldn't step up and look at it and tear it apart...but thats won't expect anything less...:D
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Retired Expediter
Isn't the logistics for these trips handled by the Secret Service and the military and Obama has nothing to do with resource assignment?
Correct. The president really doesn't have a lot input on these things normally. Obama tells them he wants to go here, here, and here, and the WHMO and Secret Service makes it happen.

The White House Military Office (WHMO) provides military support for White House functions, including food service, Presidential transportation, medical support and emergency medical services, and hospitality services. Some of the agency departments that fall under the WHMO include the White House Communications Agency, Presidential Airlift Group, White House Medical Unit, Camp David, Marine Helicopter Squadron One, Presidential Food Service, and the White House Transportation Agency.

The White House Transportation Agency is staffed solely by US Army non-commissioned officers, and they handle the actual movement of the president and those who accompany him, including driving the motorcade vehicles (except the Secret Service are the only ones to drive the president's vehicle and a few of the Secret Service's black SUV's), and preparing Air Force One for takeoff, among other things.

The White House Travel Secretary, which is someone with the Secret Service, handles the itinerary details of where they're going and who all is going, and then the Secret Service determines the resources necessary to carry out their part of it. Then the WHMO determines what resources they need.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Here's an idea. Use one plane. Let the press fend for themselves if they want to make the trip. Leave the dog at home. Dogs don't know vacations from hometime.


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Retired Expediter
You don't think the taxpayers pay for the press plane, do you? They don't.

In fact, lately the press have been cutting back on presidential travel due to budget cutbacks. And that's a bad thing, actually, because now there are less and less reporters covering the president, which means the stories we see have fewer and fewer sources, and thus fewer and fewer facts attached to them.

For decades whenever the president went somewhere, the press chartered a plane, sometimes from an airline, but usually one of the Gulfstream jets provided via the Secret Service. The price for a seat on such a plane runs around $2000, regardless of who provides it. That's why many news organizations, including the big ones, have been scaling back. There was a good article about this very issue just a few weeks ago in the New York Times, where the White House Correspondents’ Association showed where presidential trips cost the press $18 million last year, down from $22 million the year before, and $25 million the year before that. The press is spending less and less on trips in general, and presidential trips specifically, because ratings are down and news organizations are cutting their own work force.

A couple of months ago when Obama went out to San Francisco, no press plane accompanied him. The only press that went were the scant handful, those who are within the so-called "presidential bubble", the dozen reporters in a travel pool that fly on Air Force One and take notes and pictures for the rest of the press corps. When Obama flew to Prague for the nuclear arms deal, no press plane, just the "bubble" press.

That really limits news coverage of someone who should have every second of his day observed, if you ask me. Last thing we want is for the president, whoever he may be, to be traveling alone without the press.

But if you're looking to save money on presidential trips by leaving the dog or a reporter or an aid or two behind, forget it. It costs roughly $68,000 an hour to keep Air Force One in the air, just in fuel costs alone. Throw in the cost of the Secret Service advance teams, security, and the Presidential motorcade (limo and secret service vehicles, and others) which are sent ahead of time on military transport aircraft which is usually include two VC-25As and a C-130, plus the "backup" VC-25A Boeing 747-200B Air Force One plane, and you're talking millions of dollars per trip. Clinton's visit to Asia in 2000 cost taxpayers an estimated $63 million. President Bush's visit to five African countries in 2008 was closer to $150 million. Obama's vacation trip to Maine pales in comparison to either of those, at an estimated one million dollars.

Did you know Junior had 77 separate trips to Crawford alone? That's more than $17 million in Air Force One fuel costs, not including any other costs. That's a lot of money to go to Crawford. He spent 1020 days on vacation, 487 days at Camp David, 490 days at Crawford Ranch, and 43 days at Kennebunkport Compound. That's more than 1/3 of his presidency on vacation. Carter took 79 days in 4 years. Clinton took 152 days in 8 years. Reagan took 335 days in 8 years. Bush Sr. took 543 days in 4 years. Obama has spent less time on vacation at this point in his presidency than anyone other than Carter.

Yeah, I know, even when they're on vacation, they're not really on vacation, they work 24/7. Except Junior, who certainly appeared to be on vacation even when he was in the Oval Office. But I digress.

These trips cost real money, but you cannot look at the cost strictly in terms of individual trips, in other words, it would not save the taxpayers an equal amount had the president not taken this or that trip. The Office of the President is bigger than one man, and his travel around the world, or on vacation, has the ability to make huge positive impacts on the United States. Air Force One is one of the most power tools in the world. Is presidential travel expensive? Absolutely. Could it cost less? Definitely. But it would cost the US much much more were the President forced to stay in Washington all the time. It's simply the cost of doing the business of the President.

As for the dog, if the family is going on vacation, I don't see any reason why the dog can't come, too. And what do you mean dogs don't know vacations from hometime? Is that not the happiest dog you've ever seen? He loves Maine, can't you tell?



Veteran Expediter
Is that not the happiest dog you've ever seen? He loves Maine, can't you tell?

He's a very happy dog, smiling and happy to be with his family. I'm sure it must be a real treat to drag all those people, reporters and photographers with you wherever you go, even during your private family downtime.

Thank you Turtle for being there to enlighten the marginally intelligent people who would otherwise just take blogger reports at face value.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Thank you Turtle for being there to enlighten the marginally intelligent people who would otherwise just take blogger reports at face value.
It's like bailing out a sinking submarine with a Dixie cup. I haven't even looked, but I can (almost) guarantee that if you do a Google search for <Obama, dog, and Maine>, you'll get a bazillion hits, all of them having something to do with the dog having his own personal plane for the trip to Maine.

This kind of stuff gets put out there, and within minutes an army of wackos who have never had an original thought of their own will have it on their Blog, and another army of wackos will read it and believe it.