How so? I happen to know John McCain and his brother Joe. John was a classmate of my fathers at the Naval Academy. I am privy to some dirt he is not proud of and is not generally known. I am also not thrilled with his lack of a cohesive message when running for president and became quite tired of hearing "Maverick" 100 times or more. I also believe that he ran out of gas and was coasting the last few months of the election, one of the longest campaigns in our history.
That said, the man has integrity and there is none of that in the white house. He has a proven track record of working with both sides of the isle, Obama had none. The man is also a proven warrior and knows the true costs of leaving soldiers in the field lacking in supplies and manpower while Congress fights over a budget. He would not do that to our soldiers. I voted for him based on that fact and that I have 2 sons in the field currently serving. You might say I have skin in the game.
I do have to say that I have been very impressed with the intellect and decorum that Huckabee has shown since the election and would be curious what his aspirations are for the next go round.