Here in KC, on the sports-talk show I listen to, callers keep bringing up the fact that no one has attacked Mark Mcgwire, but we're hammering Barry Bonds. the huge majority of those callers are Black, and for me, I'm sick of it. I'm tired "us" using the race card when things don't go our way. Yes, certain things ARE tilted against us in certain arenas.....however, BB has brought ALL of this upon Himself. You don't see people picking at Ken Griffey Jr, or Frank Thomas, and they're black....Barry has ALWAYS been hard to deal with, because He was spoiled as a kid, and He's always been, for the most part, Un-media friendly. The fact that He looks NOTHING like He looked in the early 90's as oppossed to what He looks like now speaks volumes...He looks more like a Pro wrestler (see Chris Benoit) than a baseball player. Of course, the book Game of shadows didn't help him at all. I have a feeling once He breaks the record and retires, the full truth will come out.