Barry Bonds


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Looks like the media is starting to play the race card as Bonds gets closer to breaking the home run record. I saw a poll today where only 28% of the whites think he did nothing wrong, but 78% of the blacks think he did nothing wrong. So as usual the media keeps stirring the race pot. I bet the baseball commissoner and the other moguls are in a quandry as too what to do when he breaks the record.


Seasoned Expediter
Bonds is ignored by this fan,the same way Sharpton is ignored and it has nothing to do with race.I live in Pittsburgh and he was one of my favorites until he was caught on the juice.Hank will always be the Home Run King;Period!


Seasoned Expediter
I'm black (afro american), and I think he is on something. seriously, based on the homers he's hit since 2000-2001, how many of those were cheap home runs? 10-20? I think its a combination of the juiced ball, mediocre pitching, and steroids. Sportscenter has shown so many of his homers (probably all)since 2001 , and I don't remember seeing more than 5 that wouldn't have gone out without steroids. I believe the record will be/is tainted, but not just by steroids. personally, I just don't like the guy. ;)


Veteran Expediter
Records broken by cheaters will remain. However, records made by those who don't kiss the commish's arse (Pete Rose) won't be recognized. It's all about trying to make a scarred game popular again. They wouldn't care if the record breaker was on LSD for every home run. It's all about money.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Not a Member
It makes me sick when we will have to have Barry Bonds name above some of the greatest players of all time like Hank Aaron, Babe Ruth, Willie Mays, Frank Robinson, Harmon Killebrew, Reggie Jackson, Mike Schmidt, Mickey Mantle, Jimmie Foxx, Ted Williams, Willie McCovey and Ernie Banks.
Those guys were the greatest home run hitters of all time!
Yep, Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire were left off my list - I think they were juiced as well.
Bonds will have the record, but he will not have my blessing and millions of others. He along with Sosa, McGwire and so many others are the scar of the face of baseball today.

Fort Wayne
Support P.E.T.A. (People Eating Tasty Animals)


Veteran Expediter
You know Bonds is a poor excuse for a human let alone a professional ball player.

I mean that the deal with the fan a year or so back proved to me that he has no clue the only real reason for any success of his in this pitiful game we call the national past time is the fans and no one else. Take the fans out of the equation and what do you have, grown men hitting and chasing a ball and acting worst than grade school children.

As someone pointed out, there are 688 (or something like that) professional baseball players out of millions of people which indicates this is a closed sport to anyone who wants to play. But the truth is for every Bonds, Mantel and Ruth (please not lumping the greats in with Bonds) there may be 2, 3, 5 or even ten people who are better than they are (were).

The congress needs to lift the protection from Baseball and let it go the way of other sports.


Seasoned Expediter
Here in KC, on the sports-talk show I listen to, callers keep bringing up the fact that no one has attacked Mark Mcgwire, but we're hammering Barry Bonds. the huge majority of those callers are Black, and for me, I'm sick of it. I'm tired "us" using the race card when things don't go our way. Yes, certain things ARE tilted against us in certain arenas.....however, BB has brought ALL of this upon Himself. You don't see people picking at Ken Griffey Jr, or Frank Thomas, and they're black....Barry has ALWAYS been hard to deal with, because He was spoiled as a kid, and He's always been, for the most part, Un-media friendly. The fact that He looks NOTHING like He looked in the early 90's as oppossed to what He looks like now speaks volumes...He looks more like a Pro wrestler (see Chris Benoit) than a baseball player. Of course, the book Game of shadows didn't help him at all. I have a feeling once He breaks the record and retires, the full truth will come out.


Veteran Expediter
I agree with you, but I got to tell you that I didn't even know what race he was, only listening to all the critisism and complaints on the radio and truthfully, it does not matter, he is a 'professional' ball player and I, like many others don't see race when one claims to be a professional. Mcguire is the same to me, as are a few others.


Veteran Expediter
I don't understand how the media can bring up the race issue. Last I checked Hank Aaron was black.