After taking time to watch the actual Bartiromo interview, it's obvious this headline isn't just misleading - it's downright false. Of course we shouldn't be surprised by something like this from
The Daily Beast. At no point does she try to "blame" or even link the bridge accident to open borders or covid lockdowns. The point is clearly made that an experienced harbor pilot was at the helm when the accident occurred. At 2:30 into the interview Bartiromo switches subjects to discuss world affairs with Scott and brings up open borders.
Of course the author Baragona has to add the following baseless assertion from out of nowhere:
"A once-respected business reporter who has transformed into a MAGA-pilled conspiracy theorist in recent years, Bartiromo continued to tie immigration to the bridge disaster."
This is not only nonsense, it's a flat-out lie. There's also nothing in the other two TV interviews that remotely link open borders and covid with the bridge collapse. But the gullible Left will take red meat headlines like this and swallow them whole without even thinking about the content.