Bailouts for the McMansion Class


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Another interventionist who believes in rewarding bad behavior. Yep, if you spent beyond your means, living it up in that McMansion and the SoccerMom SUV, you deserve a bailout. :rolleyes:

News Headlines

Consumer Debt Forgiveness May Be Needed: Roach
Published: Monday, 22 Aug 2011 | 1:05 PM ET
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By: Margo D. Beller
Special to
American consumers have too much debt, not enough savings and are afraid they will lose their jobs—if they haven't lost them already.
It might be time for something that hasn't been done since the 1930s to get Americans spending again: national debt forgiveness, Stephen Roach told CNBC Monday.
A stronger dollar or higher interest rates would encourage consumption and saving, Roach said, but he prefers the more "direct approach" of coming up with "ways to forgive the excesses of mortgage, installment and revolving credit, as what was done in the 1930s, that will help consumers get through the pain of deleveraging sooner rather than later."
The nonexecutive chairman at Morgan Stanley Asia and senior fellow at Yale's Jackson Institute said the American consumer makes up 71 percent of gross domestic product, but growth is up only 0.2 percent over the last 14 months.
"The American going nowhere," he said. It’s a Japanese style balance sheet correction. If we don’t address that, all the public policy aimed at the fiscal and monetary stimuluses are going to be pushing on a string."
Debt forgiveness may hurt lenders, Roach said, but "they’re the ones who wrote the bad loans and they're the ones who had the free ride. There's no gain without some pain and we have to decide who in society has to bear the brunt of that."
At the same time, "politicians don’t want to inflict pain on any constituency," Roach said. "We have a leadership deficit. People are unwilling to take the tough choices and say, 'This is going to be painful for a while, but we’re going to come out the other side.'


Veteran Expediter
Debt forgiveness may hurt lenders, Roach said, but "they’re the ones who wrote the bad loans and they're the ones who had the free ride. There's no gain without some pain and we have to decide who in society has to bear the brunt of that."

Yeap, no need to take "personal responsibility"...your own choices make no difference, let the government use tax dollars to bail you certainly is the "entitlement mentalities crowds" way....the bankers are at fault, not the ones you put themselves in the position to begin with....

People work and do the right things and take responsibilty for their actions and pay their way in life, and pay for others also...but, take out a mortage you can't afford and depend on the "system" to fix it for you and then walk away debt free...why should a responsiable person continue to do the right thing? Might as well scam the system and that advantage of the same things those that are "entitled" do....:rolleyes:


Seasoned Expediter
I just hope befor they have their way my boss buys me a nice new shinny black truck to drive:D


Veteran Expediter
tbub wrote:

I just hope befor they have their way my boss buys me a nice new shinny black truck to drive

I am thinking if this were a sure thing coming, i need to buy another Cargo Max or 2....:D


Seasoned Expediter
Just gotta make sure he gets a plasma tv in it.Yep forgive peoples debt then how do the companys making the products we buy have the money to pay their workers?:D


Veteran Expediter
You know it is rather funny, no one seems to get what it is actually saying and what it means. To sum it up, we have no leadership anywhere in the government to actually fix the problems.


Veteran Expediter
greg wrote:

You know it is rather funny, no one seems to get what it is actually saying and what it means. To sum it up, we have no leadership anywhere in the government to actually fix the problems.

d8mn weare jus so stewpid....whi coudin't we sea that there tha greg pointed out...we jus a buncha dummys..:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Well you said it ... not me ..

Read the thing and think for a moment without interjecting the common assumption that everyone wants to be bailed out or their debt forgiven.

This is a position from depression thinking and you all seemed to jump on it as what everyone wants without thinking that a vast majority of people are doing the right thing, taking personal responsibility for their debt and themselves and it is the lack of leadership that is holding us back - it is not an Obama thing either.

If we can get government out of the way, these issues would be solved.


Veteran Expediter
greg wrote:

If we can get government out of the way, these issues would be solved.

See there, another "insightful" thing that no one here except greg would ever think or say....:rolleyes:...

I mean no one here with a right leaning politicial view has ever pointed that out ever...:rolleyes:

dang greg i think i can speak for alot of ignorant dummies here, thank you for sharing all of your intelligence with us....we really aren't worthy....lets all bow to greg, hai the intelligence of greg....he see's what none of us see and thinks its funny... all hail greg....:rolleyes:
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Veteran Expediter
See there, another "insightful" thing that no one here except greg would ever think or say....:rolleyes:...

I mean no one here with a right leaning politicial view has ever pointed that out ever...:rolleyes:

dang greg i think i can speak for alot of ignorant dummies here, thank you for sharing all of your intelligence with us....we really aren't worthy....lets all bow to greg, hai the intelligence of greg....he see's what none of us see and thinks its funny... all hail greg....:rolleyes:

Yeap, no need to take "personal responsibility"...your own choices make no difference, let the government use tax dollars to bail you certainly is the "entitlement mentalities crowds" way....the bankers are at fault, not the ones you put themselves in the position to begin with....

People work and do the right things and take responsibilty for their actions and pay their way in life, and pay for others also...but, take out a mortage you can't afford and depend on the "system" to fix it for you and then walk away debt free...why should a responsiable person continue to do the right thing? Might as well scam the system and that advantage of the same things those that are "entitled" do....:rolleyes:

Don't you ever have an original thought?

It is either about barry or something to do with barry or something that has to do with ... barry.

Oh wait, you assume people are going to run to be bailed out and get free stuff... that's way you jump on the entitlement thing as an excuse to fit in with the crowd and win approval.

Funny thing is that I may not be 100% right but I'm not going to fall into the crowd mentality here.

Too funny.

OH I forgot an important point, why I posted those quotes;

I seems you have not had to deal with some of the issues with mortgages and why many are struggling with them. It seems if you went through just the simple process of working with your lender, you will see how hard it is for people to take as you put it "take responsibilty for their actions and pay their way in life" because you will see the nightmare involved. IT isn't just the idiots who got the ARM but those who were responsible enough to take conventional mortgages out and now find their houses are worth less than 40% of what they paid for it.
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Veteran Expediter
LOL, yea i am looking for approval by "falling in with the crowd"... yea thats why before barry took over the WH i said i hoped he failed and took the rath for also might go back well before barry wa even on the radar screen and see my attitude on the "entitlement" crowd...

as for not having to deal with a problem mortage, you are right, you see I didn't over buy or over extend myself and had what was considered and even advised against as too big down payment...and I didn't take a arm and while i have no control over the market and i am sure my home isn't worth what it was in 07, its not a concern, because i can afford it and can even pay it off if need be no i personally haven't had to del with thator the banks, but i have bought another investment property and my kids have bought a home since all this bs started, and again, we did it within the scope of our financial abilities...and even if our income situs=ationss chaned, the property would be safe and paid for...we wouldn't look to the gov to bail us out with some "entitlement mentality" program...

And while there ae those that are a "victim" of our economy and have lost jobs that paid for their lifestyles, you still hear it from alot of them, they worked forever, they are "entitled'...

Then you have the 99 weekers who feel they are "entitled" to more extensions of the un-employment benefit...

Sorry more people then you thnk have the "entitlement", " I deserve it" attitude and those are the ones these politicians like the idiot that porposed this "debt forgivness" and too bad for the lenders are pandering to.

Oh and i grew up poor for alot of my young life...back then it was called "relief", and my mom refued to take any of it....I have been poor and broke as an adult, so yes i am aware of how it is...but again i have never taken a gov dad would have kicked my butt and labelled me "lazy" for taking something when i was able to earn a living....

no greg what is funny is your smug azz "i know better then most here" attitude"...your continued "hits" on people that disagreev with you and your "know it all attitude"...its so funny greg that you are often the topic of conversation at some point when more then a few EO posters meet in person....

Oh and before you go there, yeap, i know i too am a topic of conversations when EO posters gather..".C'est la vie"
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Veteran Expediter
no greg what is funny is your smug azz "i know better then most here" attitude"...your continued "hits" on people that disagreev with you and your "know it all attitude"...its so funny greg that you are often the topic of conversation at some point when more then a few EO posters meet in person....
I apologize to those who I rub the wrong way, well not everyone but a few but you too are just the same so ain't that a b*tch there Dennis, because it isn't a case of disagreeing with me but those with their quick to post a link and then barry this and barry that needs someone to stand up and add a bit of balance that lacks with the in-crowd.

Oh I thought about something else, the comment made about blogs, let's see ... was it something about blogs...

Oh yes ... I remember ... it too was really funny... from another Soap Box thread ...

Why would anyone attempt to buttress their argument referencing some lame-brain blog? Blogs, by and large, are a joke. Blogs certainly aren't an authoritative source.



What most post in this part of the forum seems to be coming from blogs - from the Obama used too much toilet paper at camp david from those who seem to speak to the same clique on here to the "mexican" truck thread in the general forum which isn't a Mexican truck at all or no real proof of it.

So I have to ask the same question, why would anyone buttress their argument referencing some lame-brain conservative fringe blogs?

Original thoughts anyone?


Veteran Expediter
greg wrote:

but you too are just the same so ain't that a b*tch there Dennis

Gee greg, i gues you didn't read the last sentense in my last post huh?.. thats ok I'll put it here for you again,

Oh and before you go there, yeap, i know i too am a topic of conversations when EO posters gather..".C'est la vie"

As far as "Blogs" go...are you saying that there are NO credible blogs written by anyone?
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Veteran Expediter
Gee greg, i gues you didn't read the last sentense in my last post huh?.. thats ok I'll put it here for you again,

Well I did but it didn't register with me because I was laughing too hard over the other parts of your

As far as "Blogs" go...are you saying that there are NO credible blogs written by anyone?

Well not exactly, I am saying many of what people post here and at a few other sites are very questionable and suspect - sometimes stupid or hilarious. I don't think you do any writing for or with blogs so I wouldn't know how to explain it or if I should seeing you may not actually care but I will because I have nothing else to do.

I do think that many of them are just opinion sites with some linking of some material but over all it seems many of them are just kooky fringe stuff that people use as credible sources. The clearest evidence I can point to is the mexican trucking thread in the general forum where there is no way the writer can prove their accusation other than yanking on the emotions of the reader with some off the wall reference to the Safe Site and no where did they say they reported the truck or understand what the sign meant on the truck. Not to demean the OP in that thread but it is a good example.


Veteran Expediter
So since a "blogger" isnt a journalist by education everything they write is then reduced to nothing more then their opinion unless they back up THEIR OPINION with facts to satisfied your jounalistic standards?? Then i guessm THEIR OPINION would be that standard,,,nah i won't go there...

Oh, and you remembered!! I really don't care as long as it serves the agenda....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I bought my house for almost $15,000 UNDER market at the time. I took out an ARM for about 2.5%. I paid on it as if it were at 8%. Knocked off a TON on principle. Then, not being an idiot, I WATCHED the interest rates. When they started up I took out a fixed 20 year at 6%. When I did that I was WAY ahead of the game. Now, through no fault of my own, I am upside down in the house. I would be better off if it burned down.

In the mean time I am paying to bail out the the very bank that holds my mortgage. I see King Putz the 1st forgiving billions in loans to Egypt. I pay for welfare rangers, medicaid mammas AND now to put EOBR's in Mexican trucks even as I pay for my OWN EOBR.

It IS starting to suck.


Veteran Expediter
So since a "blogger" isnt a journalist by education everything they write is then reduced to nothing more then their opinion unless they back up THEIR OPINION with facts to satisfied your jounalistic standards?? Then i guessm THEIR OPINION would be that standard,,,nah i won't go there...

Well not exactly (and this why I asked if I should even attempt to explain. I am sitting in a horrid down pour with high winds so I have nothing to do except sit here and wait/write).

First it depends on what the blog is about, a lot of them are passed off as credible news sources while a some of them are credible. They follow a general idea of what journalist actually should follow and their ethics seem to be a bit better than those of say Fox or CBS.

Second it isn't their opinion that matters, it is the readers who are quick to link to the posts and make it out as credible. This puts the reader into the problem by telling others this is fact. It happens here, maybe a bit ... maybe not.

Opinions are not worthless, the people who make them out as fact are.

Malkin's site has both facts and opinion and she does a good job. I can list a few more, may be not because they are liberal sites but there are a few out there.

Oh, and you remembered!! I really don't care as long as it serves the agenda....

Again ... you said it, I didn't.


Veteran Expediter
greg wrote:

Again ... you said it, I didn't.

That's right...:D and ill continue, because as you have pointed out, people will take some of it as fact and run with it a life of its own...adding fuel and discourse to the agenda....and that is really what it is all about...:D


Expert Expediter
I bought my house for almost $15,000 UNDER market at the time. I took out an ARM for about 2.5%. I paid on it as if it were at 8%. Knocked off a TON on principle. Then, not being an idiot, I WATCHED the interest rates. When they started up I took out a fixed 20 year at 6%. When I did that I was WAY ahead of the game. Now, through no fault of my own, I am upside down in the house. I would be better off if it burned down.

In the mean time I am paying to bail out the the very bank that holds my mortgage. I see King Putz the 1st forgiving billions in loans to Egypt. I pay for welfare rangers, medicaid mammas AND now to put EOBR's in Mexican trucks even as I pay for my OWN EOBR.

It IS starting to suck.

and what you get paid today is the same or less then it was 10 years ago . but the cost of gas, food and every thing else has gone up to

in 2006 stright truck rate was 1.35 what is that rate today .