My Father-In-Law is a retired Chiroprator. I've been recieving chiropractic adjustments for almost 20 years, and I'm adjusted at least once every other month.
I make it a POINT to get this done every time I get a chance, because it helps SO MUCH,especially since-let's face it- drivers DO NOT have the most physically demanding job, and a lot of us tend to get lazy. We don't get out of the truck and MOVE to keep ourselves ACTIVE.
I realize that when ya gotta roll, ya gotta roll, and it CAN be tiring. I've been driving for over 20 years, so I understand.
A lot of people,even in this advanced day and age, think Chiropractors are "Quacks" because they don't throw prescriptions around like Halloween candy, but you don't ALWAYS need a pill to relieve the pain. A Chiroprator CAN help people with back pain, and keep it from coming back.
Your spine is your body's "Wiring Harness". It is filled with the NERVES that control EVERY FUNCTION OF YOUR BODY. The nerves exit through your spinal column to every portion of your body. They have to pass between the vertebrae on their way out, and if one of the vertebrae gets twisted out of line-the vertebrae have to move-it can pinch down on a nerve and cause PAIN.
A Chiropractor CAN help, because they can put the vertebrae back into the proper positions,free the pinched nerve, and STOP THE PAIN, most of the time PERMANENTLY.
BUT--most people don't realize that permanent relief can take TIME. Just one adjustment CAN relieve the pain, but it takes TIME to re-align the vertebrae in your spine to the proper position, especially if you've never had chiropractic treatments done and your spine is just a mess. If you injure your back, you may start with 2 treatments a week, and work your way down to one treatment a month. I go once every other month to maintain the health of my spine.
If you decide to start going to a Chiropractor, this is what may happen--
After the first visit, you may feel some mild muscle pain. It is because the doc has started putting your muscles back into their PROPER positions along your spine. This pain can be relieved with good ol' asprin and maybe a nap.
You may also get a mild cold. This comes from toxins that have built up in your nerves and muscles being released and leaving your body. You may have to take a "Sniffle Pill". The re-adjustment of your spine releases the toxins so your body can flush them away.
BUT---THESE SYMPTOMS WILL GO AWAY!! The doctor DID NOT make your condition worse!! Getting your spine back into good shape IS NOT a "Once and Done" deal. You HAVE to keep getting treatments, because the more you lay down on that table,the better you will feel.
Your pain WILL go away.
You will sleep better.
Your memory will improve.
You'll have more energy.
You will actually BECOME TALLER as your spine is put back into it's proper alignment. You won't grow 2 feet, but you may become a little taller.
If you have to perform a strenuous activity....
STRETCH BEFORE YOU START!! Bend, twist, flex,lean over. Prepare your body for the strain. Who cares if it may look strange!! It isn't the other person's back, is it?? It's YOURS. PROTECT YOUR BACK!! None of us are "Super Heros",are we?
If you're loading/unloading, use your LEGS to help carry the weight, and keep the weight close to your body. Your legs are the strongest part of your body. They carry your weight.
Stop and get out of that seat about every 4 hours. Walk around and check out your truck. Go to the potty. Stretch a bit.
Adjust your seat so you're a little closer to the wheel. Make sure your hips are level with your knees, and your elbows are slightly bent. You'd be surprised how much more comfortable you are.
Before you get out of bed, STREEEEEEETCH like an old hound on a sunny porch!! Get your blood flowing and your muscles awake with a long,luxurious stretch that's as big as you can make it. Throw those arms and legs out and go "AAAARRRRRGGGGHHH!!!" before your feet hit the floor. It gives you a good start for the day, and makes you feel good,too!
Another thing you can do is easier said than done-- LOSE SOME WEIGHT!! Just losing ONE MEASLY POUND can take 4 pounds of pressure from your back and knees!! I've lost 90 pounds over the last year, and I feel like a million bucks!! I can MOVE again!!
Take care of your back. You only get ONE back, you know. Don't be afraid of going to a Chiropractor. They DO help a LOT. The freight makes you money, but YOU have to move it!