I’d appreciate opinions /comments concerning this subject.
Each of us has accepted loads when delivered have sat for indefinite periods of time, which soon became unprofitable. Perhaps we could become relocated if the gods of dispatch looked upon us with us with favor. If not we sat to contemplate our fate while second guessing our decisions.
What if it were possible to call an office informing them of your ETA and destination, which trigger one or more of the following events to take place.
(a) Potential “Backhauls†would be searched for your consideration according to your listed desired requirements i.e. Direction of travel once loaded.
(b) You would be offered choices as to payment for the load depending upon your status i.e. having your own authority or working through your respective company and paying the customary 15% for their providing insurance, collection etc.
Rather then attempting to burden this initial thread with details, I invite those interested to submit questions and or concerns and I’ll try to handle each one as they are presented.
I would encourage e-mailing me privately to help us clarify issues which then would be posted for all to view and respond.
Each of us has accepted loads when delivered have sat for indefinite periods of time, which soon became unprofitable. Perhaps we could become relocated if the gods of dispatch looked upon us with us with favor. If not we sat to contemplate our fate while second guessing our decisions.
What if it were possible to call an office informing them of your ETA and destination, which trigger one or more of the following events to take place.
(a) Potential “Backhauls†would be searched for your consideration according to your listed desired requirements i.e. Direction of travel once loaded.
(b) You would be offered choices as to payment for the load depending upon your status i.e. having your own authority or working through your respective company and paying the customary 15% for their providing insurance, collection etc.
Rather then attempting to burden this initial thread with details, I invite those interested to submit questions and or concerns and I’ll try to handle each one as they are presented.
I would encourage e-mailing me privately to help us clarify issues which then would be posted for all to view and respond.