August locations with minimal blah, blah, blah and yada, yada, yada


Veteran Expediter
Seems like Groundhog Day Month...but I do like the movie ..

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
TA, Monroe, MI.
61 degrees.

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I envy you. Both the temp and the location. Perch are hitting good out there right now. Good temp for the rifle range too. I need a few hours out there as soon as I get home. Have at LEAST two guns to sight in.


Veteran Expediter
US Army
Are you out front or in the back?

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Veteran Expediter
Finally got out of Elmira NY. DH to Scranton PA, pickup in the morning and deliver to Melrose Park IL. Only 70 miles from home on a Friday. Can you guess where I'm spending my weekend?


Seasoned Expediter
Went from hammond Indiana to new Holland PA. Just waiting for there lunch to be over then tome to find a place to sleep

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Seasoned Expediter
came home(columbus ohio) heard strange noise in front left wheel,better be safe than sorry plus I need to do a oil change. Back to the road monday,
It was nice to meet you ntimevan in hammond


Expert Expediter
Oak Grove Petro. Had a load dry run going from KC to Philmont, NY. Was supposed to pick up at the UPS terminal and they already shipped it. Just my luck!