OVM Project Manager
Going home for a few....6 weeks...uncle...uncle
I think the other half may be reading your mind...on the way to WI and it's Friday...
Going home for a few....6 weeks...uncle...uncle
*sigh* We can't move without the truck owner's permission because we don't have the funds to pay for the fuel ourselves at this time. We get paid today but we need to hold on to as much of that as possible to cover this past week where we had no miles. We had to miss a family event that had been planned a month ago because of being stuck out here so we aren't exactly "happy campers" right now anyway.
And our truck's owner has been a really great owner until now. This has all just been enough put us at the end of our rope and as soon as we can manage we are giving back the keys. I'm fed up.
It is too bad you are in this jam....goes to show why we say in here, to have a little nest egg for tymes like this....your owner is being really stubborn...for some reason...
killing time here at the J in Oak Creek Wi..another shower too...i'llstay out a bit longer...
Is that so you can Eddie a wuss? *LOL*
We have a nest egg, it's just not instantly reachable. Oh well, nothing to do but wait and see what happens.
Is that so you can Eddie a wuss? *LOL*
Just don't call me late to Dinner! HAHAHA Got one going to....................................?
I was going to be nice since you just did a 6 week stint....BUT??? hahahaha
all we are talking is 60 gallons...to either Barstow or even less to Denver...
next time you'll know...no SLC...and if your owner complains about refusing a load there....I suppose your owner doesn't book his own loads in times like this? you'll have this because he did nothing to help you...just rub it in his face real good!!
Character?? I read something about that on your sig line. What is that exactly?????????