I live in Huntington Beach, which is a more exclusive part of California. We have a very large Republican population out here.
Yup it feels human to have had two showers in the same day, cooked up a lasagna, watched some television, and had a nice nap in a big soft king sized bed.
I don't even want to peek out my bedroom window and look at the van right now. My days here are numbered as I am gonna come back out on the road soon and stay gone until Christmas this time.
I gotta change out my evaporator, orifice tube, get the proper o-rings for my A/C condensor, then take the van down to the mechanic and have the system evacuated and professionally recharged. I did 5 weeks with no A/C and it has pushed me to the limits.
I also gotta have a new radio and speakers put in this week. I've been driving this van for 4 months with a busted radio. Listening to myself think for 13 hours at a time is starting to wear on my sanity!!
As you can see I have a lot of stuff to tend to before I leave the house. But to be human for a few days is definitely priceless.