Your question is similar to which is better, Ford or Chevy? Add to that what mpg will I get in this new Mustang GT? Compare those to which company and how much money. As to companies, what's great for one guy will be mediocre for another. My short list includes Landstar, ConWay, Panther, Express-1 and Fedex. Which one depends to a great degree on solo or team. Some of them have a distinct leaning toward one or the other. Some don't. One guy is going to be spinning the tires and doing 0-60 runs from every stoplight. Another guy is going to be very smooth and gradual on the throttle and take the interstate to avoid stops and starts. They'll get very different mpg from the same model car. It works similarly with making money. Different guys run different ways so they make different money. There's no way for us to estimate what you'll make and there's no way for you to get useful information from our numbers. It's not that long till the expo so I'd hold off till then and make good use of the resources there to learn about the business. Good luck.
Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 4958, 5447
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
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