I don't know where you think the customer is the boss, most of the time they do not have a thing to do with the company or the relationship between company and contractor.
The thing is that many want to have the company to take care of everything but they fail to see that they are 'contracted' to operate the truck. The company should never tell anyone how to drive and the idea of using the stats, like acceptance and in service time really is employee thing when you look at it closely.
Regardless, many come into this business with no idea what a contractor is or how they are to be treated. Some want to be told what to do, how to drive and what route to use.
The best companies treat people like adults, not children.
They don't look at fictitious stats, like acceptance rates or in service time but focus on making money. It is bothersome to know why some are successful at a company and while others fail at the same company.
These best companies also don't mess around with pettiness of who has the prettiest truck or newest RVing expediter on the lot, they want to see freight moved to make money and that's all.
Can ya forward that up the chop chain very well stated. Acceptance To LOW" "Cherry Picking" are a few names the companies throw around.