Are You A Little Racist?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Some of the answers are off just enough to skew the results away from what the answer should suggest. Interesting enough from a purely entertainment value but not good enough for truly representing one's position.


Veteran Expediter
Some of the answers are off just enough to skew the results away from what the answer should suggest. Interesting enough from a purely entertainment value but not good enough for truly representing one's position.'re not a little racist?


Veteran Expediter
I took the test and here are my results. Not quite sure if truly accurate, but race has really never mattered that much to me in day to day activities, so maybe so.

Your Test Score is: 175

In spite of our society's institutional racist/colorist conditioning, you have managed to learn to treat others - irrespective of their melanin levels or ethnicity - as you would like to be treated. Congrats! Now, take the R.Q. Test back to your family and neighborhood, hold regular forums and help heal the rest of society!


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Everyone is racist to one degree or another. Everyone. It's in the genes, it's a powerful survival mechanism. Many people, including The Institute for Interracial Harmony above, believe that all racism is a learned conditioning, and that it can be unlearned. That's a "warm and fuzzy" Utopianism that flies in the face of human nature and human survival. The Institute for Interracial Harmony, and others, want to make it out to be that racism is a learned condition that only exists in this culture and in this society, when the fact is racism exists in every culture, in every society, and it always has existed going back as far in history as you want. It is true that the racism of race, color and ethnicity is a learned condition, but only to a certain degree, and unlearning it is not easy, and quite possibly is detrimental to do so.

People are naturally wary and suspect of others who are different, whatever those differences my be, including racial, cultural and ethnic differences. They naturally gravitate to other people like them, in terms of race, culture and ethnicity. They do so because it is not only comfortable and safe, but because "groupism" fosters survival and prosperity.

Groupism comes in many flavors, with the racism of race and ethnicity being just one of them. For example, you can take any disparate group of people and divide them into different groups, call each group by a different name, be it Red, White, Blue, Shirts, Skins, East, West, Ohio, Michigan, American, Russia, Protestant, Catholic, whatever, and a natural bias will always develop within each group. The natural bias has people favoring their own group, discounting and discriminating those of other groups, and often thriving based on their own cooperation within the group. "Ethnocentric" groupists eventually come to dominate over those who adopt different behavioral strategies, like acting randomly and not on concert with the group, or always cooperating with others whether in "their" group or not. Those within the group who act in defiance or in a way detrimental to the group are ostracized or discriminated against, just like someone from outside the group who already acts in a manner which is different from the group.

Groupism is obviously race independent in many cases, as many groups can form without regard to race or ethnicity. Like, Browns fans versus Steelers fans versus Bengals fans who all hate each others but will team up to crush that one lone pathetic Lions fan. Religious groups are powerful examples of groupism, where like-minded individuals gather and even recruit others into the group to the exclusion of non-like-minded people. While religious groups usually congregate within similar racial or ethnic groups, it's the religious culture that still dominates. Patriotism is another group which transcends racial and ethnic groupings, where everyone coalesces into a cultural group for the betterment and survival of the group.

Sure, on one emotional level it would be great if racism didn't exist. But then again, would it? In the short term, the feel good term, probably, but what about the long term? Countless studies, and history, shows unambiguously that groupism is a very powerful mechanism for survival of both the individual and the group, and does so without regard to race or color. We know, absolutely, that color, race and ethnicity have no real intrinsic biological significance. For example, we know that the genetic variation between individuals within one racial or ethnic group is generally much larger than the average difference between such groups. We know that on at least some level race and ethnicity are somewhat arbitrary markers that have acquired or learned meaning that doesn't necessarily promote the best interests of the vast majority of groups. So, then, why do people naturally group by race? Why is it that there is racial discrimination?

It's because how someone looks is the quickest, most immediate way to ascertain to which group they belong. If you're going to mentally allocate someone to a group on meeting them, the quickest way to do that is by how they look, and the most obvious thing about how someone looks is normally their skin color or obvious ethnicity. We've all seen someone of mixed race, and given them a quizzical look and said to ourselves, "What are they?" It's the most natural thing in the world. Sure, other factors are relevant, but by and large the basic biological origin of racism is as simple as that, due to our sense of sight being the most powerful and influential sense. If smell was our most powerful sense, we might well be grouping people instead by how they smell, just like dogs do.

History, controlled studies, and casual observation shows:

A. Groupism is the best behavioural strategy for individual social interactions, for both the individual and their group

B. People are affected by "survival of the fittest", natural selection works, and the fittest people tend to survive the best.

C. People are motivated (unconsciously or not) to propagate their own genes.

D. People's primary means of taking in information is through their sense of sight.

So while the markers of looks, of color, race and ethnicity is a learned thing, they are markers of racism with the immediacy of "looks like me" that have always been there within us, inborn, instinctive. And it is a fundamental mechanism of survival. So saying that all racism is a result of learned conditioning, and can just as easily be unlearned, is overly simplistic, and disingenuously Utopian in light of basic human nature. It would be nice, and maybe even critical, if our little group known as "society" can separate out the markers of racism in favor of the groupism of the society at large, but an inborn, survival mechanism is a tough bell to un-ring.

Our immediate goals should be more in line with the survival of the societal group by just being civil to each other and trying to get along, but you cannot do that by making people feel intellectually and emotionally guilty about an inborn survival mechanism, any more than you can make people feel guilty about any other natural, inborn mechanism. When you do that, you start messing with human nature, and the natural survival instinct is to rebel. Just take a look at how the very powerful mechanism of the drive to sexual reproduction is artificially repressed by many religions, and how people rebel against it, and the ramifications of being made to feel guilty for being human and succumbing and knuckling under to the evils of the natural instincts for survival.

Trying to erase racism, a natural inborn human condition, in favor of multiculturalism, has resulted in a society that is more racist and more divided along racial lines than at any time in our history.


Veteran Expediter
From time to time there have been accusations here that some EO members may be a little racist..Could it be true?

Moot's Single Question Racism Test

"I wish Cotton was a monkey." Is this quote from:

a) a Little Racist
b) a Little Rascal
c) a Little Racist Little Rascal
d) none of the above
e) I don't understand the question


Veteran Expediter
As turtle said, we all are, it is all a matter of even without at, yeap i am....but ill also say that a black man was my best man, well he stood up with me in front of the justice of peace...
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Steady Eddie

Veteran Expediter
Moot's Single Question Racism Test

"I wish Cotton was a monkey." Is this quote from:

a) a Little Racist
b) a Little Rascal
c) a Little Racist Little Rascal
d) none of the above
e) I don't understand the question

B or could be C to a point. I don't know the little rascial's test score.

I find it strange that some need a test.....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
They asked for what city and zip I live in to take that test. Guess I won't take it. None of their dang gum business where I live. The first question was racist anyway. What difference should it make? Why should they even ask what I consider myself? Besides, even the name of the group sounds racist.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
They asked for what city and zip I live in to take that test. Guess I won't take it. None of their dang gum business where I live. The first question was racist anyway. What difference should it make? Why should they even ask what I consider myself? Besides, even the name of the group sounds racist.

The entire survey is jaded, and it's obvious that their position is that anyone who doesn't agree with their worldview is screwed up and needs therapy. I took the survey and gave them Indianapolis as my location (which it isn't), a good geographically neutral metro area. I'll bet listing some Southern city like Birmingham, AL would be worth points just for the location. Anyway, my score was 131; in a nutshell they said I needed help and gave a link to cybertherapy for each question. This site is good for a laugh, but I doubt anyone will lose sleep over their score here.

Just for the sake of argument, I'd like to see the results from blacks or hispanics taking this survey with the perspective reversed. I'll bet the scores would be just as high, if not higher. No one ever seems to notice the racist attitudes of the minorities, which are probably more prevalent among those groups than the angry white males.


Veteran Expediter
Race baiting on this forum? Since Leo has admitted that his favorite show is COPS (reminds him of home) particularly when the bad guys are pot offenders getting harassed by the local cops, Leo says "kill 'em if they run". Everyone knows that the majority of the case's on this lame show involve minorities. I have a question. "Is a frog's as# water tight? Is Leo a race baiter? There you go gang,the same answer.

Turtle, I'm really surprised at your inference that "everyone" is a little racist because 5 million years ago we were all fighting for the same grubs. Come on man, read a little more science and a little less science fiction, that's hog wash of the first degree.By using the term "everyone" for any proposition you want to hang out there you immediately usurp any crumb of credibility that might be included in your opinion.

You can make a good case that there is probably more racial ill will on this forum then the general population. By saying"most everyone on this forum is a little racist" your now speaking truth,it makes perfect sense and I would agree.

Willie will be on Larry king tonight ,as well as Craig Anderson's late show. He will be wearing clothes form his new line of Hemp made material. Hey Leo,if he runs nail his a** that dirty criminal.LOL !!
Just thought I'd drive by Pilgrim, hope your well.
Don't forget back to back episodes of COPS Saturday night with a COPS marathon coming soon, 48 straight hours of joy and racial profiling.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I love Cal's visits since he is omniscient and probably also omnipotent in his own mind. :rolleyes: No, my favorite show isn't Cops, nowhere near it. They don't show Cops on DSC, Hist, TLC and MH channels where I watch just about all the TV I watch other than a few network shows. It's always good for a laugh though. Maybe Cal is right. Maybe it's better to let fleeing felons make 100 mile high speed chases with multiple citizens hurt and/or killed along the way than the police being able to PIT them without multi-levels of command and authorizations. Maybe it's better to let them jump out of the cars after the 100 mile high speed chase and run off on foot to harm innocent citizens than to stop them. Yeah. The hell with citizens and their rights. All hail the criminals and their rights. What a joke of an idea.


Veteran Expediter
Hey Andy,
How you doing out there?

It is utterly amazing that we haven't viewed anti-racism movement in this country as less to do with equality that was gained but rather political power, money and redefining how people should act. By the by I am not coming form some left bastion of free love and power to the people but a realistic place where real racism exists.

I find it odd that turtle seems to be a bit more on the money than most others on this subject. It seems that there is two types of science related to the subject, one which confirms that turtle is on the right track and one that is pretty much used to justify the desires of social engineering and falsly conceived guilt.

I think, somewhere mentioned in the annals of research on this subject (Yale I think) is a real fact that the great north and Midwest were two of the worst locations for racism, and since the mid-80's some parts of your state can claim to be almost equal to places like Chicago and Detroit. I don't seem to feel out of place in Atlanta, Montgomery or Little Rock as I have in Chicago Detroit, Indy, and parts of the North East.

The south has learned, it doesn't seem to be the center of urban decline and excuses for failures (look at NYC, Chicago and the great putrid city of Detroit). LA and some parts of your state seem to be following suit like Chicago and Cleveland, so I wonder what the real problems could be?

If a racist is when a person want to see people both of minorities and non-minorities to succeed in life with the true American dream without the government making them slaves in the process, then I guess down deep we are all racist - including you.

Isn't that what you want?

A person to be the best they can with all the real opportunities that life has to offer.

Isn't that what Rev. King wanted us to be under the shadow of true equality without judging the person by their skin color?

But again it seems that the bastion of free love and power to the people there near your world has created this attitude that it is government that has to step in and help those who are incapable of helping themselves because they as minorities instantly face racism and bigotry just because there is no equality or no protection without government's intervention. A bad circle to create and propagate.

Amazing while the world actually moved forward beyond the new millennium while we have pretty much become the country of the 1910's again with self-segregation by social engineering through preconceived collective guilt.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Interesting that these places are at the heart of liberalism. Hmmmm

There is no party in this country that reeks of hard-core, dyed in the wool, racism than the Dumb-O-Crats. Going all the way back to Good ole Andy Jackson. Nothing has changed.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Turtle, I'm really surprised at your inference that "everyone" is a little racist because 5 million years ago we were all fighting for the same grubs. Come on man, read a little more science and a little less science fiction, that's hog wash of the first degree.By using the term "everyone" for any proposition you want to hang out there you immediately usurp any crumb of credibility that might be included in your opinion.
I meant every word I said, and I stand by the history and science that supports the conclusions. You can call it hogwash if you like, but it won't change the truth. If you can refute anything I said, have at it.

You can make a good case that there is probably more racial ill will on this forum then the general population. By saying"most everyone on this forum is a little racist" your now speaking truth,it makes perfect sense and I would agree.
Everyone. That includes you. Everyone. Not just in this forum, but everywhere. Everyone.


Veteran Expediter
No one ever seems to notice the racist attitudes of the minorities, which are probably more prevalent among those groups than the angry white males.

Ain't THAT the truth??

So saying that all racism is a result of learned conditioning, and can just as easily be unlearned, is overly simplistic, and disingenuously Utopian in light of basic human nature.

I could consider myself a little 'racist' now, but do not feel that I was as a young/younger person, because I have 'learned' to be a little 'racist' when it comes to certain 'races'. This is not due to what I immediatley see, hear, or smell, but due to 'learning' repeatedly over time what certain behaviors appear to be like within certain 'races', and now I'm turned off. I could probably unlearn this if I were given the same many years of experience of NOT seeing these behaviors.
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Veteran Expediter
I see Turtle,we are actually born " a little bit racist", like having 10 fingers and 10 toes. It's a check list then is it? Nose,mouth, little racist,belly button. You are laughable ,get a grip man. It is a learned behavior,plain and simple and there is not one shred of evidence to support your felonious assumption. So much garbage is spewed about this forum as "truth" and "fact" . You all support your lame,ill conceived logic with a mob mentality,just like this hysterical DNA notion of race relations. The answer lies with the children,particularly the children of mixed race marriages. They stand as bastions to their young class mates that all people are equal,and that by mixing from our melting pot of race's and cultures we strengthen our society and break down the NON DNA related concept that we are different in good ways or bad ways.
I grew up in a family that by all outward appearances was "average",but in reality I was sent the message at a very early age ,in very subtle ways that there was a reason the blacks lived on the east side and the whites lived on the west side. It was socialized from a a very early age not to get too close.Now,it's true I did not grow up in rural Texas where it was perhaps not so subtle. The "facts " were instilled in young children by the use of a leather strap across their a@#. "If I ever see you with that black boy again,do you understand whats going to happen to you?" Turtle,re think you hypothesis the next time you are around a group of children in the park that happen to be from different race's, little kids,like 2 years old. Consider that they may not be subject to the same racist feeling's you seem to think live on a DNA level within you. Pretty bleak my friend,pretty much placing a lifetime sentence on them to be as miserable as all the race baiters on this forum are, so hand cuffed by their superior sense of entitlement when in fact they are just products of a poor up bringing that emphasized "we don't associate" with those people from infancy.
Leo, you never said anything about auto chases and neither did I. You said run from authorities,and I'm hanging that one on you buddy,you can't change the words you used to suit the response. However ,I would expect nothing less form you.
It's another great day in America, the sniveling goes on,but the cream is rising to the top and those who wish to be left behind in the "it's in the DNA" mentality will always have a home here.
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