Here in Ontario "red light" cameras are installed by munipicalities(sp?) at intersections with high collision numbers.
SPEED CAMERAS are apparently quite common in England.
There are many tales over at Trucknet(UK) of drivers being caught.
Apparently the courts there rarely contest the information provided by the camera.
"Guilty As Charged, M'Lord!" is the easiest way to cope.
And Phil, if you are refering specifically to the Ontario situation just remember:
105 = 106
105 KM/H was passed and now, something never before allowed, 106 feet of trailers can be hauled on certain routes by certain carriers. It was reported on another site that a Quebec based carrier has purchased several new tractors with specs that will allow them to run road trains between Quebec City and Toronto.
Road trains were given trials on Ontario roads going back to the 1970's. Until now, they were never allowed.
David Bradley of the OTA was the main lobbyist in favour of the Speed Limiter legislation. Now we see why.