A talk show guy was saying yesterday that Exxon/Mobil pays more taxes than the whole bottom half of income tax payers in the US. That made me think... DUH! If they're paying THAT much in taxes, they're making THAT much off gas! He tried to make it like it's government's fault. Fact is, it's BOTH of them screwing the normal Joe! I hear one say "You pay more for a gallon of bottled water." Well... I don't put 20 gallons of water in my van, or 150 gallons of coffee in my truck. Fuel is a staple this country needs to survive. Yes, even more than bottled water or coffee.
And to all those numbskulls who account the 60's price as compared with today's for inflation... Tell me your pay has gone up like that, and I'll call you a liar. No one's paycheck is adjusted for inflation that tightly... except maybe lawyers and execs... and politicians. Fact is, we in the truck driving community have less, without even counting for inflation, than we did in the 80s; while the freight we haul usually hangs at less than the rise in inflation (produce, electronics, etc).
Is fuel the only thing that's allowed to adjust for inflation? Is oil justified to go WAY up on speculation because of some small hiccup in the system? Are oil companies justified in adjusting for inflation, when the rest of us aren't, just to satisfy their stockholders? And is the government, at ALL levels, justified in raising this taxes and that taxes on fuel, and mask it in the already inflated price?
I'll tell you what has gone up faster than inflation... government spending and the debt we leave to the next generation.
And don't even get me started on the ENVIRONMENTALISTS...