The reason I am asking is, if you are running a vehicle that does not require an apportioned (IRP) tag, it look like you got jacked for 60 bucks by a DOT officer who doesn't know the regs. That $60 day permit is for vehicles that DO require IRP tags, but don't have Colorado listed on the IRP. (You can list all states, or opt out of ones that you don't think you'll ever go to, to cheapen the tag. If you do need to go there, you pay a temporary pass.)
I've never heard of a special pass for non-cdl vehicles in CO. NY has a heavy use tax for vehicles over 18K GVW. KY has one for 55001+ GVW. Oregon has a day permit for vehicles 26001+ because they have no IFTA tax. NM has a permit to travel through there and TX has a permit for doing TX in-state runs. All of these should be purchased for you by your carrier.
Next time a DOT officer wants you to pay something out of pocket, make sure and ask VERY NICELY to see it in their state (or even federal) regs, so that you can get reimbursed by your carrier. Don't expect them to know it if you don't.