Veteran Expediter

You know him... We all do. Like all of us who have perused or passed through these hallowed threads, Dougster Travels has had to do his share of deflecting those who attack his opinions as well as attack those opinions which differ or diminish in some way his own outlook. As all of you know, sometimes we get a little heated and speak out or "type" out before we have a chance to think through what we really should say. This happened to Doug. A moderator or moderators saw fit to ban Mr. Travels for lashing out. Did he say something out of line? Apparently the moderator or gaggle of moderators felt he did.
It's no secret Doug's opinions are, shall we say, a little more to the left than most other members of this forum. To say there is a bias here that leans the other way would be, to say the least, facitious. We are all adults here. This isn't kindergarten. I myself have been the victim of these bias attacks. They are at best childish and at their worst, desperately pathetic. Enough is enough. Bring back Dougstertravels. I implore you. Free speech may not necessarily be a "right" on this forum, but the forum is certainly better for allowing free thought to be shared rather than persecuting those who actually think for themselves.
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