Well you know, there is a serious problem with Social Security. IT IS NOT about seniors getting their monthly check but rather about the other programs within the system.
It was never intended for nothing more than a retirement supplement and at the time it was created, a large majority of elderly lived with relatives.
We got away from this by destroying the Family Unit and now we need in many ways to return to a community based attitude, not a Government driven solution.
See here is the real problem, the pandering of the candidates shows me that not one of them will stand on any one issue or push for as unified message. Many in the Palin/TP group won't talk about specifics within the budget that needs to be cut nor want to take a real stand on real issues. They are afriad of chasing people away from them in November.
Whether or not Medicare matters for some isn't an issue, when I listen to people who espouse the TP points of view on an intrusive government, they fail to mention that our biggest issue we have with the deficit and our nation debt is Social Security which is being forced on many who may not want it. It is like the question of Obama Care and the BS of it being legal to force us to take something by the Federal Government, they already do that with Social Security benefits and even flood insurance - all federally mandated contracts that we have absolutely no choice in.