Another High School, Another Student with a gun - Time for tighter gun control?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Gun control isn't the answer. There are already more than 20,000 gun laws in place. That's far too many already. It's time to control criminals and remove gun free zones that tell anyone interested they are free to do as they please with no fear of a firearm owner stopping them.


Veteran Expediter
You are not coming off as a rant at all - you have given your opinion and that is what these threads are for :)
I agree with you - the words Gun Control raise the temperature of some ppl when it shouldn't.
Gun Control does not mean taking way all guns, it simply means controlling the guns that are out there.
And yes I do realise that you are not going to stop the criminal minority from getting weapons, but I don't think this story (or the other High School tradegies) are about criminals and guns - these kids got the weapons from where? Home?
I am unsure of the age limit in the US for a minor to purchase a weapon, but it surely can't be at 15 years and these were his own weapons!! :confused:

Gun control is very much defined as limiting access to guns or what one can do with guns they legally own. This person became a criminal the moment he took the class hostage so yes the story is about them.


Veteran Expediter
There are already laws defining who can purchase a gun, and laws requiring parents to accept responsibility for the actions of their minor offspring. My guess is the kid's father bought the guns for him, and he's the one who should be held accountable for the result.
Parents aren't always at fault, but it sounds like this one is - the kid didn't buy his own guns.


Expert Expediter
Tighter gun control would not stop situations like this. Criminals dont care if they purchase guns legally.


Amen to that. I don't understand how the gun control advocates keep ignoring this fact.



Veteran Expediter
Wow......that's what you call an "epic fail" in humor,

I looked up "epic fail" in the Urban Dictionary. Was my play on words really that bad? I also looked up "bad" in the Urban Dictionary. One of the definitions was "good". Another definition was "accepting responsibility for one's action". I'll go with that one. My bad!


Veteran Expediter
Gun control is very much defined as limiting access to guns or what one can do with guns they legally own. This person became a criminal the moment he took the class hostage so yes the story is about them.

Agreed - but that is not the same as the criminal faction obtaining weapons illegally.

For all we know this was a "normal" bright student, never been in trouble before scenario, who was somehow able to get these guns.


Veteran Expediter

For all we know this was a "normal" bright student, never been in trouble before scenario, who was somehow able to get these guns.

So he saw a gun or in this case several guns, and put two and two together and felt it was normal to go to school and hold classmates hostage so that his plea for help would be taken seriously. Yep sounds normal to me.


Veteran Expediter
So he saw a gun or in this case several guns, and put two and two together and felt it was normal to go to school and hold classmates hostage so that his plea for help would be taken seriously. Yep sounds normal to me.

Which is why I said ....
For all we know and put the word normal in inverted comma's
