Another group jumps on band wagon to ban cell phones


Veteran Expediter
meant to add they are one of my pet peeves.

DO AS I SAY DO, NOT AS I DO! I can do anything I want.


hand help Cell phone usage has been banned here in the UK for everyone already. Of course you still get those that ignore it. But I suppose if your livelihood depended on it you'd think twice


Veteran Expediter
Brisco, you'd think that being from Tejas, you'd understand a little about liberty. Apparently not. Apparently, someone who has no problem with regulation after regulation put on a group of people who are out trying to make a living, because a few bad apples try to screw it up for the rest of us. Kneejerk.

While you're at it, support their campaign to ban sneezing while operating a commercialized vehicle. :rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
It's quit clear that there is a race between regulations and technology.
this is one place where the block of new technology from entering the north American market, have resulted in the cry for regulations.

a simple look on the EU truck technology show that in Europe, where implementing of new regulations is way more complicated then the US, truck electronics have resulted in reductions of accidents by using new technology.
a great example is the new DAF, Iveco and Scania trucks, where you can find the integrated Erickson's Phones right there on the steering wheel.
for some time now, Erickson's have been on the front edge of voice recognitions technology, and now it becomes a 'Standard Option' on most EU trucks.
no more cell phone, you make a call, by talking to your truck dashboard. simple and Safe.


Veteran Expediter
Moose... I think their idea is to ban ALL cell phone use, cause it is distracting to talk to someone while driving, and therefore potentially dangerous. Just as it is potentially dangerous to all of us when someone from DC talks, period.


Veteran Expediter
From a safety perspective, I would like to see cell phone use banned in ALL vehicles - both passenger and commercial.

You might get your wish. One gummint official, and I think it was La Hood, suggested making the passenger compartment of all vehicles impervious to cell phone signals. Government vehicles would, of course, be exempted.

From the motorcycle enthusiast perspective cell phones should be banned in all vehicles period. In that one to seconds it takes you to reach that cell phone to take that ever so important call you could easily veer into my bike.
Who looks down for their phone? Doesn't everyone keep it in the same place all the time? Like the radio knob or the CB mic, muscle memory should tell you where it is.

As for even looking at the screen, there are hands-free systems like the one I have on my visor that announce that you have a call, announce the number to you, and prompt you to say "answer" or "ignore." The free market, given a chance, provides the answers to all our problems.

When I was younger there were no cell phones. There were no telephone answering machines (when I was really young), no text messages. It amazes me how I (we) ever survived without these things. Even more amazing is the people trying to call us survived. When we were home and the phone rang - we answered it.

And when my grandfather was young, a candy bar was a nickle.

We live in a different world now, one commonly called "the information age." There's no way back to that other world, and sometimes it's good, and sometimes it's not.

When I'm on a run, one of my companies calls me every two hours, or even every hour for some customers, to update my location. No way can that mandate stopping the vehicle every time. Expedite would no longer be expedite, even in a van, but especially in a straight truck or big truck.

Bottom line is that no person's cell phone call or text message is worth more than another person's life.


John Mueller, CDS
Safety Director/Partner

All right. That's true. However, if we're going to do the SAFEST thing in every circumstance, the safest thing to do RIGHT NOW is take every motor vehicle off the road and pour cement into the engine block so it can never run again. Then we can all travel by horse and buggy again, with a load to California taking, what, 3 months? And we'll have manure in the streets.

Ridiculous, you say?

The fact is that we make judgment calls all the time on where to draw the line between safety and practicality. Just as we don't ban all automobiles for safety's sake, let's not go overboard with the cell phone ban. Mandate hands-free devices in moving vehicles (after which auto manufacturers will make them standard equipment) and call it a day.

Instead of having safety fuhreren, maybe we could get by with safety untergruppenfuhreren.


Veteran Expediter
I agree with HotFreightRecruiter. We should all strive to be less dangerous, so he can drive a more dangerous vehicle. :rolleyes:

Perfect example of "You give up your rights, so I can have mine." And government vehicles are exempt. Heil!


Expert Expediter
sort of like gun control . outlaw the phones and only the outlaws will use the phones while driving . .

they need to worry about the 4 wheelers more at this time . oh wait they wont because the ones that are makeing the laws drive 4 wheelers . and never been in a CMV and never will . they look at CMVs as time waster to them . so lets get CMVs off the road . because they were already late for a meeting . but they got stuck behide a CMV that was going the speed limit . and in traffic it took the CMV long time to get back up to speed .

oh and what about the rail roads . where do you think they stand about the ban on cell phones and the regs with CMVs .

allow them to accomplish this and they will gain more control over you . and you will soon be saying yes MASTER (yes this alone isnt that bad but put all of their controls together)

i didnt post this to argue with anybody . i posted it to get some to think .

if this goes throu who will still drive with cell phones THE OUTLAWS

and THINK why are they doing all this to the CMVs but not to the 4 wheelers ,

i was told this before it is just Politics. so Politics is a free market . is fair Competition.
sounds to me like somebody is trying for a Monopoly

hands free should be allowed in CMVs .we all know hands free CBs been out for many years
they need to make some laws and enforce them for the 4 wheelers


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
sounds to me like somebody is trying for a Monopoly

I love that game. :D



Veteran Expediter
Rag., An expediter friend just delivered a high security Mecd'ee load to Dallas.
might be a good time to go for the McDonald's scratches if in the Dallas metro area this week.
he is convinced he had the big prize onboard.


Veteran Expediter
I said this before and I think it needs to be said again in public and many many times - the reason the accident that happened that killed these people has less to do with texting and more to do with the four hours he got in the 24 hours before he marked his log "on-duty, driving".

If any one thinks that we need to fight the texting, we really don't need to - we need to fight the mis-information that is being used to make an issue where another issue needs to be addressed.


Staff member
I said this before and I think it needs to be said again in public and many many times - the reason the accident that happened that killed these people has less to do with texting and more to do with the four hours he got in the 24 hours before he marked his log "on-duty, driving".

If any one thinks that we need to fight the texting, we really don't need to - we need to fight the mis-information that is being used to make an issue where another issue needs to be addressed.

Exactly Greg misinformation and/or skewing the facts to promote a cause is what this is all about.