Ok,I give up, let's tell our government to cut all unemployment benefits,welfare,food stamps,everything,lets not help any of our citizens. You think crime is bad now,people are going to be desperate to feed there families. Talk about homeless,just think about how many there will be. Crimes will skyrocket. Most don't like panhandlers now,well just wait,there won't be one on every corner, there will be twelve. Did I mention the fact that those who do have jobs or run a business won't see any decrease in taxes,they will still need that money for there more important matters,like new Data centers to store your phone records and emails.Oh, and don't try to tell me it won't happen because those people will just be forced to go to work,where are the jobs?
No body said to away with unemployment, just doing away with the SECOND unemployment. We don't need TWO welfare programs.
Our citizens also have to learn to help themselves. FAR too many won't work one or two low paying jobs, like many are and have in the past, it's easier to sit on extended unemployment. FAR too many won't get off their butts and move to where jobs are available. Far too many refuse to upgrade skills and education and want paid top dollar for entry level jobs. More time needs spent looking in mirrors for many people.
Taxes, and a government that keeps changing rules in midstream, are two of the biggest reasons that jobs are some what scarce.
Helping people, short term, is fine. Supporting them for years on end is not. That is what we have now. That is why nothing is improving.