im sorry if i have offended u,as far as my education if u dont know my back ground dont make comments.i have been every thing from a farmer,armed body guard,security supervisor in the projects,reserve police officer,emergency medical tech as a volunteer for 20 yrs (in that time i was on the board of directors of 3 ambulance services,i have numerous life safing and heroism awards,one time i was injured rushing in to a burning apartment building kicking down doors bring people out as they lay sleeping.ok so im just being to scratch the surface,maybe i dont spell everything right,maybe i dont use proper punctuation,
When i first got started in the rescue field i was told one thing,if at the end of each rescue no matter how bad it was,if u cant find one thinng to laugh about then you are taking yout job much to seriously and it will kill you and you better get out why u can,the only reason i left the medical field is because all the services are being bought up by paid corparations and i wont take $$ for helping people in thier hour of need,and because when my license came up for renewal my dad was dieing cancer and i felt my place was with him rather than taking refresher classes for a job that wasnt volunteer anymore....
so ok..if u feel better taking shots at me...knock yourself out,and when i see u on the side of the road injured know what.....??Ill be the first one there to help u out.its just the way i am and plan to attack as u will....and abve all...humor is the best medicine.have a great day.your friend....