Ann Coulter and Lizzy Edwards –


Veteran Expediter
... what is going on here?

I get this email this morning from Edward’s camp about how they need money, blah blah blah and referencing Ann Coulter’s ‘personal attacks’ against Johnny boy. Then on the radio I hear all about the ambush of coulter on that second rate show (well that is the truth) Hardball with Chris what’s his name and listened to it.

As much as I think Coulter has a screw lose, she is right about a few things and one of them is the fact that much of this is setup for the sympathy donation to Edwards. Edward’s camp needs to just shut up about these attacks and act like adults. Johnny hasn’t yet come out about real issues other then complaining.

I am starting to feel that much of these ‘tragedies’ on the Edward’s part is not to do anything except to get money into their coffers.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
The other night I watched the Hardball attack on Ann Coulter. She was basically saying that John Edwards is fraud and has made millions off trials aginst physicans etc. They live in a 30,000 square foot home and he wants to do something about poverty. She also went after the Hildabeast, too bad Chris Mathews never lets someone give a rational answer before he attacks them.

Bob and Hooligan

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Greg, you are right. Ann Coulter have every right to wish Edwards was assanated. And who would get upset about a harmless joke about a child who was killed? Free speech! Let's not debate issues when we can talk trash.

Also, as you point out, it makes money for Edwards.

Perhaps some other candidates should get on the band wagon. Both Fred and Rudy could use the cancer card. They have the sickness, why not use it to their benefit?

Rudy could pander to the gays. After all, when his wife kicked him out of the house, he roomed with a couple of gay friends. Wonder if he still sleeps with them?

Both Newt and Rudy could fall on confess their adultery on national TV, and pray for God's forgiveness. It worked for Swagart.

Keep up the good work. We need to get these things out in the open.

Road Hooligan

ps Which branch of the government is the office of Vice President?


Veteran Expediter
>Ann Coulter: Can't Understand Normal Thinking....

John Edwards: just don't get the phase - Class Warfare