I cannot believe you would compare gays to pedophiles!
I didn't, actually. But I predicted you (or someone else) would say that with,
"You (or someone) may say that pedophiles and homosexuals are not at all the same, but in the context of how society views them (or at least in the context of the 80s), you'd be dead wrong. They are exactly the same. There are many, many groups on the fringes of society or outside of society that society at large couldn't care less about."
Gays are consenting adults who do not harm anyone, much less children.
So? Society at large still couldn't care less about them, just like they don't care about pedophiles, or homeless people, or street hookers, or junkies, or like I said, many, many groups on the fringes of society. Society doesn't care about them, and in that sense, they are exactly the same.
Priests are a greater threat to children, and it's religion that protects the threat and vilifies the non threatening.
Influenza is an even greater threat to children. So are swimming pools. But that's got nothing to do with being on the fringes of society that society doesn't care about.
I don't believe that "abnormalcy" is necessarily a bad thing, as you seem to be implying.
Trust me, if I wanted to imply that abnormalcy was necessarily a bad thing, I would state it outright. But I wouldn't state it, because it's simply not true that merely by virtue of something being abnormal that it is therefore bad.
Some abnormalities can lead to genetic improvements, and if homosexuality isn't one of those, it's at least neutral.
That's easily one of the silliest and most absurd things I've ever read. By definition, a genetic improvement is one that gets passed down during reproduction. Since homosexuals are incapable of natural reproduction, a homosexual genetic improvement is a biological and physical impossibility. As for homosexuality being neutral, since the entire purpose of sex is to exchange DNA for the purpose of reproduction, the survival of and propagation of the species, as as homosexuality is anormal (goes against the type), it is not neutral at all since the purpose of homosexuality is the exact opposite of the survival of and propagation of the species.
You talk about "seething, gut wrenching hatred" in comments, but how many people have been actually attacked or killed by gays?
I don't know, but it's a lot more than you think. Off the top of my head, Aileen Wuoronos, lesbian - serial killer of at least 7, Jeffrey Dahmer, gay - killed and ate 17, Randy Steven Kraft, gay - gay "score Card Killer" killed at least 65 confirmed, Patrick Wayne Kearney and David Hill, gay lovers - killed at least 28 in and around Hollywood, John Wayne Gacy, gay - killed at least 33, mostly teenaged boys), and of course, there's Gilles de Rais, famously gay associate of Joan of Arc, killed at least 300 straight people because they were straight, and French.
But, does it really matter? Is the spewing of hate somehow OK as long as you don't attack or kill someone?
And how many gays have been attacked or killed by straights?
I don't know. Probably not at many blacks as has been attacked or killed by whites.
How many more have been made so miserable they ended their lives rather than continue? Has even one straight person done so? Yeah, I bet those comments really hurt.
You're implying that straight people have never been made so miserable that they ended their lives. Yet that's exactly why most people end their lives. Homosexuals have a higher suicide rate than do straights, and the no-brainer easy cause-and-effect is to blame it on bullying from straights. That absolves the suicidal from responsibility for their actions. The more likely reality is a mental defect that allows one to become so miserable in the first place. Transgenders receive no more verbal abuse and bullying than gays, yet transgenders have a 40 percent suicidal rate, and that's AFTER they have transitioned. Clearly, their problems aren't being born in the wrong body.
"Sadistic and vengeful retaliations of trying to destroy the lives and livelihoods of people who don't embrace homosexuality as normal and wonderful"?! Get a grip, already! Even if that were true, [and it is not], gays have a very long way to go before even making a dent in the damage done to them already.
It's quite true. I can cite many examples that will just make you mad enough to ignore them, so I won't bother. One, though, is Memories Pizza in Walkteron, IN. It's recent and should still be fresh in your memory. They cater events, but of course cannot cater each and every event they are asked to cater, so they must refuse some offers. They owners refused to cater a same-sex wedding reception. They offered to bake the couple as many pizzas as they'd like, and profive any other food for the reception, it's just they wouldn't be delivering and catering the event, someone else would have to pick up the pizzas. In other words, they would provide the food, but wouldn't actually participate in the wedding reception. Their refusal resulted in a flood of threats against the business on Yelp and Twitter, thousands (thousands, mind you, in a span of a week) of negative Yelp reviews, and threatening phone calls and e-mails and snail mail. People were outside of their home, and they were followed when they went anywhere in town. They were called homophobic. They had to close their business.
But "a long way to go before making a dent" is a Biblical eye for an eye argument, it's a two wrongs make a right argument, it's excusing inexcusable behavior because "Well he started it! Waaaa!"
They don't care if you don't embrace what they are as normal and wonderful, but they would like to be treated as you treat anyone else: as their individual behavior merits, and not according to a larger group they didn't ask to join.
They say they just want to be treated the same as anyone else, but they won't settle for anything less than their being embraced as normal. the demand approval, and those who do not approve are labeled as homophobic in the most pejorative sense of the word. That's why they fought so hard to redefine what marriage is, and why they are fighting to equate Gay Rights with Civil Rights (they want their own special set of rights to be on the same level with Civil Rights).