An Historic Week


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Ark......this is how your president addressed your concern.




Bad press, including major mockery of the plan by comedian Jon
Stewart, led to President Obama abandoning his proposal to require veterans carry private health insurance to cover the estimated $540 million annual cost to the federal government of treatment for injuries to military personnel received during their tours on active duty. The President admitted that he was puzzled by the magnitude of the opposition to his proposal.

"Look, it's an all volunteer force," Obama complained. "Nobody made these guys go to war. They had to have known and accepted the risks. Now they whine about bearing the costs of their choice? It doesn't compute.." "I thought these were people who were proud to
sacrifice for their country, "Obama continued "I wasn't asking for blood, just money. With the country facing the worst financial crisis in its history, I'd have thought that the patriotic thing to do would be to try to help reduce the nation's deficit. I guess I underestimated the
selfishness of some of my fellow Americans."


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Retired Expediter
"Look, it's an all volunteer force," Obama complained. "Nobody made these guys go to war. They had to have known and accepted the risks. Now they whine about bearing the costs of their choice? It doesn't compute.." "I thought these were people who were proud to..."

I read that and my BS Meter started screaming. It screamed at me, "Obama doesn't use that kind of language contained within the quotes. Someone made it up. Go to Snopes, you moron! What are you waiting for? " And I did. And Urban Legends, and Barack Obama on Veterans' Health Insurance


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Even if part of it is factual, it is still a problem with how he views the military.


Veteran Expediter
Even if part of it is factual, it is still a problem with how he views the military.

Kinda like this?

Rush Limbaugh vowed to leave the US if Obama's health care reforms come into effect. Limbaugh told a caller to his radio show today that if "this passes and it’s five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented—I am leaving the country. I'll go to Costa Rica."


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Almost. The difference is one is the president and the other is a entertainer.


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Retired Expediter
No, not totally false. Only about 95% false. I've said it many times, Obama's screw up stand on their own, and do not need any embellishments, much less fictional dialogs added, to make the point.


Veteran Expediter
The way it looks now this is really going to make it hard for disabled vets to re-join the workforce because employers will be nervous about having to provide insurance to cover some very costly injuries.


Veteran Expediter
You will be forced to buy your own insurance.....or be fined or go to jail.....and have any fine taken from ant tax refund you might have coming....thats what those new 15-16500 irs agents are enforce barrycare....:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
Ark, as I said the military will get screwed.

There were a couple proposed amendments that were talked about but ignored that would exempt military personal, their families and combat/operational related medical care but they were all ignored or voted down. SO this all applies to everyone, and like other things, the military will also see added taxes or increase in taxes.


Retired Expediter
You will be forced to buy your own insurance.....or be fined or go to jail.....and have any fine taken from ant tax refund you might have coming....thats what those new 15-16500 irs agents are enforce barrycare....:rolleyes:

As i see will not be forced to buy ins IF your premiums would exceed 8% of your income...

Don't get me wrong..I don't like this bill...But I won't exargerate with lies to make a point either
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Veteran Expediter
You can forget that 8% BS, it is not something that will stay with the next round of reforms.

They need as many people to participate in order to make things looked balanced. So this was put in as part of the insurance wanting to uncap premiums so they can recoup the costs. But what will happen will be all too clear.

It is going to be just like social security, it was only supposed to be 1% of your income capped at $3000 as an insurance but we ended up with four taxes capped at $125,000 to cover the short fall because of mismanagement.


Veteran Expediter
Dave ,I would not have singled you out to be more over the top then Leo. He's been the king of pulling this kind of mis information off the goofy websites he hangs out on and call it a fact.. Never the less, the President ran on change, not the w kind, and he has shaken it up. Heath care was on his agenda, this should not be a surprise.

Here in CA, Anthem Blue cross was getting ready to go 40% for the hell of it. We have a crusader against these pigs in HHR director Sibelius She kicked this same companies *** in Colorado big time for trying to do the same thing.

As a person with a "pre excising condition ( Marfans syndrome), I watched my Father die, my daughter and my brother go through hell before the insurance industry decided Marfans was a genetic disease and not a "syndrome". This term was used to keep pre screening for family members who did not shows signs. It was crud as pre screening the aorta is the only way to stay healthy and can save your life. John Ritter died from undiagnosed Marfans,instantly.
Marfans can and does strike at any age and can be fatal when the aorta bursts, which is the most common killer with this "syndrome". That is how my Dad died and how we learned what a killer this problem is. I fought the insurance companies for 20 years to pay for screening, which is $2500.00 once every 2 years for me and my kids.I paid for years and it saved my daughters life.They only rolled when the Marfans Association threatened to make the companies come forth with damaging memos and evidence of a cover up. Ark,you may not know what is in store as this new program takes shape, but DO NOT RELY ON INFORMATION ON THIS FORUM. IT IS CORRUPT.

Maybe you trust the insurance companies Dave,and maybe the No NO No crowd from the GOP trust them and their lobbyists, but I'll be ****ed if I do. Don't stoop to the level of the hate mongers who dredge the soft underbelly tissue of the Internet for their facts,these are important times to make sure you are getting the facts straight.

Please don't tell me your powder is dry, not you Dave.
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Well Tal, I will give you my opinion on the healthcare law as I understand it or interpret it. I look at it from two fronts as the family owns and operates a health clinic in TN. I haven't commented on it much because there is so many components to it.
My short take is that it will do some good on regulations regarding the insurance companies who have long ripped off the consumer for years. My opinion is short of tort reform and buying across state lines is where this should have stopped.
Instead, we got special deals going and a whole list of fuzzy math items that have swelled it into a mess that no one knows for sure that can even be paid for. Then you have the whole mess as to whether it is even constitutional or not with regards to all these mandates for business and individuals.
It was at that point and the government intrusion issues that turned something reasonable to a mess. That is why there is a strong opposition to it. If the bill could stand on its own merits, there wouldn't have been all the payoffs within the democratic party to get it passed. I am sure if the shoe was on the other foot, the republicans would pull some of the same things, but I am not sure in these historic proportions.
With the new coming issues with medicaid and medicare, this bill potentially hurts the very people it was suppose to help.
Why do I say that. Because the family clinic we are involved in is currently reviewing whether either one will be excepted. These people will have a card that says free insurance, but that has little value if many won't see them. This was rushed too much and we currently have the president doing a sales tour just to stop the hemorrhaging that is going on in his own party.
It just doesn't sit well with me when we have Pelosi saying "We will know whats in the bill when it passes". What? I don't believe even now that many really know what is in it. The president just said the other day that kids with pre-existing conditions would be covered immediately. We later find that isn't true. It isn't until 2014.
As to how this will help the economy any time soon, won't be any time soon. I would guess it is going to be a additional drag.
There's my penny in the pond.


Veteran Expediter
The takeover of healthcare is just part of Obama's immaculate deception. Let the Democrats rejoice and be glad in it.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
"Ark,you may not know what is in store as this new program takes shape, but DO NOT RELY ON INFORMATION ON THIS FORUM. IT IS CORRUPT."

That broad statement may or may not be valid depending on whether it is an individual's opinion or is a statement based on fact with adequate sources provided. Consider that the source of this statement also claims that John Ritter died from "undiagnosed Marfan's syndrome" - a claim with no supporting evidence whatsoever, other than a coincidental dissecting thoracic aneurisym (the listed cause of death). Are you and the rest of us supposed to automatically accept this statement as gospel because it comes from someone who only participates here occasionally? Obviously it's incumbent upon all of us to sort through the opinions and facts offered here, do our research and draw our own conclusions.


Veteran Expediter
John Ritter died from undiagnosed Marfans,instantly.


I'm sorry if this inflicts your family, but got to tell you that Ritter's case is something that wasn't caused by a lack of insurance but of not being able to diagnose a problem within a short amount of time.

NOT one thing about Ritter has to do with health care, insurance or what ever.


Veteran Expediter
All our liberal tallcal does is come on to poke a stick in peoples eye once in awhile and then scampers back to his like minded libs. He will post another post or two and then wait for the next Obama bill to pass.


Veteran Expediter
I'm gonna make some phone calls tomorrow to the Disabled American Veterans and see what they can tell me about it.


Veteran Expediter
Ark, one thing to keepp in mind is that that most of the benefits that if they come, most won't go into affect until yrs down the road...but they will be collecting taxe and fees for the next 2 yrs before any supposed benefits,,,,,