An actual mandate


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The liberals repeatedly called the last presidential election a "mandate" even though the margin of victory was fairly narrow and it was anything but a "mandate". Massachusetts is an example of a mandate. The margin of victory is a similar percentage. The difference that makes this a mandate is the makeup of the electorate. Democrats outnumber Republicans 3 to 1.

To win with the numbers put up requires 2/3 of registered Democrats to vote and over half of all voters to vote. Other than a mandate, when is there ever that large a turnout for an election that doesn't include the presidency? To win with the numbers put up requires over 1/2 of the democrats who voted to vote for the republican. Other than a mandate, when do the majority of democrats who cast votes cast those votes for a republican?

I don't know if the state offers the option to register as an independent or not. I'm sure a statistically significant number of the voters were independents. Even so, the magnitude of this election certainly comes closer to being a mandate than the election of Obama. Open your eyes our liberal friends. The ultra left thinking and policies being forced on us in secretive closed door sessions are unacceptable.


Expert Expediter
The liberals repeatedly called the last presidential election a "mandate" even though the margin of victory was fairly narrow and it was anything but a "mandate". Massachusetts is an example of a mandate. The margin of victory is a similar percentage. The difference that makes this a mandate is the makeup of the electorate. Democrats outnumber Republicans 3 to 1.

To win with the numbers put up requires 2/3 of registered Democrats to vote and over half of all voters to vote. Other than a mandate, when is there ever that large a turnout for an election that doesn't include the presidency? To win with the numbers put up requires over 1/2 of the democrats who voted to vote for the republican. Other than a mandate, when do the majority of democrats who cast votes cast those votes for a republican?

I don't know if the state offers the option to register as an independent or not. I'm sure a statistically significant number of the voters were independents. Even so, the magnitude of this election certainly comes closer to being a mandate than the election of Obama. Open your eyes our liberal friends. The ultra left thinking and policies being forced on us in secretive closed door sessions are unacceptable.

It does the Heart Good to see that People are "Finally" opening their Eyes and getting tired of being Used and Abused by the Democratic Party!! Actually That goes for Both Parties But for Right Now The Likes of Reid, Pelousy Franks and Kaptur should be Getting the Message that they are On Their Way Out for 2010 and Obumma in 2012 :D


Veteran Expediter
I wuz wunderin' how long it was gonna take for that little factoid to come up .... :D


Retired Expediter
Didn't someone just post something about good to see the people come to their senses? *LOL*

Goes to show the lack of quality of any candidates...leads to the question...if he'd pose nude..Just where are his moral standards? Desperation on part of the voters and the same for the GOP...

It is disappointment this guy got voted in...

I was going to post it earlier..but I did not want to rain on these guys party..they seem over the top with this kind of candidate

But then again we have Arnie out there...being the nude Terminator...does Cali count though?*LOL*
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OVM Project Manager
Didn't someone just post something about good to see the people come to their senses? *LOL*

Goes to show the lack of quality of any candidates...leads to the question...if he'd pose nude..Just where are his moral standards? Desperation on part of the voters and the same for the GOP...

It is disappointment this guy got voted in...

I was going to post it earlier..but I did not want to rain on these guys party..they seem over the top with this kind of candidate

But then again we have Arnie out there...being the nude Terminator...does Cali count though?*LOL*

I for one am delighted he got in! *l*


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Considering only 1 in 8 voters in the state is republican that's further evidence of the mandate given by the voters of the most liberal state of the 50 states. Even with such a clear message the WH doesn't care as evidenced by the statement by Axelrod they will continue with their plans unchanged.