American Built....


Retired Expediter
Isn't it wierd I heard on TV Fox from Darrel Waltrip that TOYOTA is the ONLY American built car in the Daytona 500 to-day.
The Ford Fusion is built in Mexico and the Dodge Challenger and GM Pontiac are both built in Canada.


Veteran Expediter
I wouldn't think it would be that much cheaper to build the cars in canada than it would be in the us. shows how much i know. in alot of ways we americans have done this to ourselves. its sad to say. hino's new plant should be opening soon just outside of west memphis,ar. that's another thing i think is strange. the "foreign" auto makers are opening new plants in the us. that hino plant is supposed to be making parts for toyota pick ups fom what i hear.


Retired Expediter
Hino IS owned by Toyota....

The Canadian workforce is more productive then it's U.S counterpart. Therefore cheaper to build.

Hence the UAW had better smarten up and earn thier union dues from hard working members. The good workers deserve better.


Veteran Expediter
i wasn't trying to bad mouth canadians vanman. i just figured they were paid a similar wage as the american workers. the uaw is more of a problem than a solution in my mind. i know alot of people on this site love the uaw with all their heart,mind,body,and soul for whatever reason.


Veteran Expediter
Well Canada is a foreign country, not part of the US. The products built in Canada are foreign products - not domestic products.

The workforce is equal to the US workforce. No better, no worse.

The reason that Cananda is seeming to employ more people is the export agreements are different with other countries. It used to be that Canada had high import tarifs and not many agreements for Exports like the UK had until the 70's.


Retired Expediter
Arkjarhead...I never even considered that...

gregg...I did some checking on comparisons and you are basically right we're about even
The value of the dollar is the most important factor on where they decide to build a model.

The the CAW here since they disconnected themselves from the UAW are heads and hands above the UAW in so far as working with companies and governments for concessons and the such.


Veteran Expediter
OVM - "The the CAW here since they disconnected themselves from the UAW are heads and hands above the UAW in so far as working with companies and governments for concessons and the such."

Yes, I agree with this 100%.

The UAW - Gettlefinger to be exact, finally admitted to the failure of the UAW by saying that they 'may' have been the biggest obstical to jobs with the failing of the company's ablity to change in order to be competitive. It is too bad that they finally understood flexible manufacuring and automation is the way to really go and this could actually have saved them.


Veteran Expediter
Why do I not look at Canada at being Foreign? How many of us have delivered a load in there jursitiction? Whos made more $ from going to Canada than to Mexico?

Now Mexico, I can bet less than 1% has ever delivered there and do they speak English? Would you trust to put fuel in your truck in Mexico. I would not hesitate to buy anything, eat anything or go anywhere in Canada.

So since we have the largest unguarded border in the World with Cananada why this resentment? If I had a choice of a Dodge PU made in Mexico or Canada well the Maple leaf Wins.


Veteran Expediter

Most of canada is like us, except canadian. I mean that ok we have common language, a common money (dollar here and a dollar there) and a more or less equal intellegence between us. Oh and the standard of living is about the same.

Mexico on the other hand has no simularities to the US.

I was utterly disappointed with the fact that my Father help build Dodge city and my trucks were built in Mexico but to make me feel better I just boycott the product line when I buy a new vehicle.