America in Shock -Karl Malden died


Not a Member
karl Malden died and americans are in shock!

Most people are shocked and the overwhelming response is the same "I thought he died years ago"

Just to be ready- a bit of info for you

Ernie Borgnine is still alive too!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
By all acounts a class act. He intrerupted his acting career to serve with the the Army Air Corps from 1943-1945. Bet he never dangled his kid from a balcony or destroyed hotel rooms when he traveled.


Retired Expediter
By all acounts a class act. He intrerupted his acting career to serve with the the Army Air Corps from 1943-1945. Bet he never dangled his kid from a balcony or destroyed hotel rooms when he traveled.

Did we really need the "dig"?
Now ya just opened this good thread up to silly posts....;)


Veteran Expediter
Karl Malden, little know fact that he worked for Qualcomm before he started acting. The unit I have installed in my truck has an "inspected by Karl Malden 05/26/48" quality tag on it, guess he did a good job.