all state express!


Veteran Expediter
I got an e-mail from them today also....i have talked with a few of their drivers, all seemed ok with the company....


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
Mr. Hatch,
on August first you stated your Fed X decals were not yet dry. Isn't it a little premature to be looking at new carriers?.


Retired Expediter
I did not put my email or cell number on entry form...not needed.....glad i did not now....must have missed the part where you agreed to get spammed....:rolleyes:


Veteran Expediter
I didn't go to the expo and i still got All States e-mail last week....I did pre-register, and that may have been how they got the mailing big deal.....


Staff member
Retired Expediter
just trying to get info. all state sent me a fax as im sure they did many that attended the expo.
Just don't get caught up in trying to pick the perfect carrier for you, right out of the gate. You won't really know what you want and don't want out of a carrier until you start dealing with one on a daily basis, and after about 6 months you'll know. What may seem important to you now, might be meaningless when you get into it, and something that's irrelevant or not even thought of now, could be the deciding factor in the perfect carrier for you once you find out what your wants and needs are.

In the words of the Ghandi (or maybe it was a carny, I forget) - "Pick a pony and ride".


Seasoned Expediter
I contacted them on there website a few months ago about putting on my cargo van. I rang there phone off the hook trying to get an answer on my "application" I never heard anything back, until an owner operator called my out of the blue. He said he had five trucks leased on to them and was looking for a driver for the fifth one. Apparently they gave him my info. In the following three days of speaking with this O/O it was not hard to catch him in at least 3 lies/inconsistencies in his story,, but i figured I would use this as an excuse to drive over there and go thru the orientation and check them out in person. They actually appeared to be a decent organization. The guy Tim is very nice and the place seems well run. The only questionable thing I saw was that most of there freight is second hand(brokered) other than that they have fuel cards and are willing to help with a helping hand until your settlements start rolling in. Oh! by the way I dont think they really process your application until you physically arrrive. So if you have any "issues" you might want to make sure every thing is okee-dokee before you go trucking down there.