All state express


Expert Expediter
oh but they will be paid just not in a timely matter...would it be better if they just defaulted completely?

You forgetting these broker guys know the risks by putting their services out there and being paid after the fact...maybe a way to deal with it is to have a certain %age put on a debit card or something to prevent this...

If it happened to me..yes I'd be pizzed off but would get over it...a lot of people get in a cash crunch and delay a car payment, house payment, insurance payment, and so on...that is life....

If one expects that ASE should have a back up plan because they are a business it would follow that those who do business with them should also have a back up plan...

You dont know if they are paying or not.

Its not about getting over it, its about stayimg on them till they pay, thats business to.

Yes people get behind on things, but that doesnt mean they go buy a new car when they cant pay for the one they got, so why keep brokering out loads you know you cant pay on.

I' m sure the ones that havent gotten paid have a back up plan. I think your not giving the guys who started there own carrier service enough credit, they didnt just sit back and let some company control there lives, they went after there plan.


Retired Expediter
Addressing the comments on factoring and the irresponsible blabbering of slow paying, first, ASE has never nor has it needed a factoring company. ASE is a financially sound entity, that is growing very well, and has one of the healthiest credit scores in the industry. Two, ASE has survived one of the worst economic crisis of our lifetime, as did many of its competitors. None of us could have of done that without some kind of financial security and having those partner carriers that supported us heavily. Three, during the economic downturn, as did many industries abroad, there were bank failures big and small and their customers were heavily affected with credit lines being eliminated and/or called in, this was done merely to enhance the banks balance sheets and free up their cash position. Many transportation companies were practicing slower pay terms, many manufacturers and logistics providers practiced this as well, cash was king. Many carriers, ASE and its competitors experienced our terms that we were paid, extended from 30 to 90+ days. ASE did move from an extremely large bank that was one of the culprits in the cause of the greatest economic turbulence of our time. During such, if small carriers were affected by a slow down in their receivables during this transition, my deepest apologies. ASE pay terms are based off of invoice received and proper documentation. ASE's payment terms are normal of the industry standards and ASE's financial situation is that of strength allowing it to explore a possible quick pay program for carriers seeking a better way of factoring their invoices. Many carriers whom were affected by a decrease in payment terms, relied heavily on factoring companies that would charge them back if any term extended beyond the contracted set terms between them and factoring provider. As the President of ASE, I invite any person wishing to discuss further, the contents of this blog as well the previous comments made.
If ASE didn't act as a good corporate citizen, it would not be in business today and have the support of many partner carriers, big and small. ASE is proud to have made it to the other side of this financial crisis and we congratulate all competitors, fleet owners and independent O/O's, that have done the same.
We are Growing Forward.

Oilerman..did you miss this? It is pretty much self explainatory..

People ARE getting paid alibeit a little slow...


Retired Expediter
That many of us when late on a load because of weather, crash or construction expect to be let off our commitment due to outside our control factors? We agree to deliver ontime...I didn't read anything about extenuating circumstances...


Veteran Expediter
Act of God and traffic is out of our control, as are road side inspections and delays at the shipper.

Regardless no carrier can guarantee perfect on time delivery for all shippments, and even when the shipper requests the service, their paperwork explains the risk they take.

If I'm late because something happens, what can I do about it? My truck doesn't fly.


Retired Expediter
and when a bank drops ones overdraft or cuts credit limits unannounced, that is beyond ones control as well....

there has to be some give and take...some wiggle room...


Veteran Expediter
I would almost guess that their contractors get paid on time, BECAUSE they are so late with their partners.

Oiler... they can't stop brokering, likely because that is their cash cow at the moment. Ya know... rob Peter to pay Paul.