All expenses paid driver pay?


Seasoned Expediter
What is a good salary for a driver in which the owner pays all expenses? The owner of the truck pays for the truck maintenance, fuel, regs, insurance etc...
What would be a pay the mile, the day, the hour? And what would be a good rate?



Veteran Expediter
In this business I am not sure a so called salary is feasible. For what you describe the driver getting 40% of the per mile rate and something one things like hand load, wait time is probably pretty standard. Some of the fleet owners on here can better address the question.


Veteran Expediter
One place to look is to see how much the general freight companies are paying their drivers and then take into consideration than an expediter is going to have to sit more. This is all I can suggest, since I don't have real numbers.



Senior Member
Retired Expediter
In this business I am not sure a so called salary is feasible.

I am thinking the same thing. RickG is asking about a "good salary" and "pay scale." Employees think about salaries and pay scales. Self-employed independent contractors think about gross and net revenue.

Given certain circumstances, an expediter may go an entire month without making a dime and later have a home-run month in which twice the monthly average gross is made. How expediters react to both scenarios, and many others in between, determines thier success or failure far more than trying to fit notions of salary and pay scale into a business in which the most significant revenue variable is you.

Make no mistake. If you are looking at two expediters over a meaningful period of time, and one is making good money and the other is not, it's the behavior that explains the difference not the business or a pay scale of any sort.


Veteran Expediter
I don't think a per hour would work in this business. Percentage or per mile is more reasonable
I know in Indiana
courier van driver makes from 8 to 10 an hour
Straight truck is from 10 to 12 an hour
and Semi's make from 12 to 17 an hour
but that is all for local/regional work home every night or nearly every
Paying an expeditor on these levels with all the downtime involved would probably be a money loser


Seasoned Expediter
I've always driven for from 35% to 40% of the load pay, driving a straight truck. Owner pays for everything concerning the truck. Fuel, maintenence, tolls, insurance, etc. I'm paid to drive the truck, make deliveries on time. I would take care of maintenence schedules, etc.........Keep track of oil changes or whatever else was needed. I take care of the vechile I'm trusted with. The owner has made a huge investment and trusts me to take care of his investment. One hand washes the other. After all, that vehicle is my livelihood as well as the owners. I'm the one basically living in it and keep it well maintained for nothing more than my own personal safety.
I won't drive for an ower that requires the driver to pay for fuel, owner gets 100% of the FSC. cancelled run compensation went to the owner. Any detention time was figured @ 40%. Hand load charges went to me.
With that all said, anyone looking for a good, honest driver??? Looking for a good, honest owner


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Wish I was in a position to put you in a truck. Wish I was in a position to buy one to put you in. :(