Veteran Expediter
That doesn't even make sense from a common sense perspective, and it's 180 degrees from both the experts and the reality. Hatred of the US is rising all over the world, not because they are jealous of us, but because of our hegemonic foreign policies.
World opinion of the US has gone down since the 911 attacks, and rapidly. 911 and other recent events is our "canary in the coal mine", a warning sign that our international reputation is bad and that we must move to correct it or face more incidents. That means working cooperatively with other countries, not against them. We must be seen as a friend and not an enemy or a threat. Yet today, anti-American sentiment, along with hatred of all things American, is increasing, not decreasing. A poll by the Pew Research Center indicates that the number of Europeans with a favorable image of the US has plummeted, even among the coalition of the willing. In Italy, only 34% view the US positively, compared to 70% in 2002. In Spain, only 14% have a favorable image. Even in Eastern Europe, support for the US has dropped from 80% to 50% in Poland.We are clearly moving in the wrong direction. We are expending a lot of time, money, and resources to make things worse, instead of better. If out friends are starting to dislike us so much, how do you think out enemies feel about us?
And every time we kill a Muslim, intentionally or not, it's a de facto recruiting pitch for new enemy membership. They may not be official card-carrying al Qaeda members, but they're there just the same. An Army Major at Ft Hood, an AWOL soldier plotting the same thing, a lone man with an SUV in New York, there are plenty of examples.
With the Muslim world in turmoil, and our own continuing foreign policies, terrorist organizations are likely to find more and more recruits for their organizations. At times their recruits are unknown to terrorist leaders and commanders, but present a threat to nations throughout the world especially the United States and European Union members. In the international terrorism arena, over the next five years, its believed that the number of state-sponsored terrorist organizations may decline, but privately sponsored terrorist groups and otherwise "lone wolf" terrorists will increase in number. That's according to the FBI and the CIA.
All it takes is one kid who's father or mother were killed in collateral damage to develop a lifelong vendetta against us, and if he's Muslim, it doesn't take much for it to become a jihad ordained by Allah. And those kids are adding up fast.
An increase in the number of people not viewing the US as the greatest country doesn't mean they all decided to become terrorists. How many of us here don't view the government favorably?
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