"Of course, we know what kind of a State and society we wind up with when we only have media which (supposedly) only have our (so-called) "best interests" in mind"
Yep, what we have here now, a Marxist dictatorship being born with the help of a, for the most part, very biased press. Same as you will get with AJ, a STATE OWNED propaganda machine, as ALL state owned propaganda machines, (news outlets) are. NO STATE OWNED "news outlet" can be trusted, regardless of country of origin. News should never be a function of government. neither should education be. It is FAR too easy for those functions to be abused and misused.
You will see the result of a quasi state owned press here with the beginning of the debate on, what they like to call, 'gun control'. There will be ZERO effort on the part of our, so called, free press, to put for ANY kind of factual information, nor to point out the Constitutional issues at stake. They will even go as far as to state that the Second Amendment was put in to authorize a standing army and not even blink an eye about those lies. The Administration will put out it's 'talking points' and those will be, for the most part, the ONLY things talked about on our "news outlets". State owned or state directed 'news outlets' are a vile, disgusting arm of government, all of which are themselves, vile and disgusting.