Air tabs on cargo vans?


Retired Expediter
Laugh if you want. My business model is different than most everyone's here. Sure, I didn't do 3000+ miles per week this past winter, but May and June have been good to us.

Like I said, it's a different business model. Most get their loads from one carrier. Some from a few carriers. We get them from about 700 carriers, brokers, 3PLs and a few of our own direct customers.

My van was in the shop last week until Tuesday morning, O2 sensor & rear brakes, and between then and Friday at 13:30 I made it through about 2400 miles and almost $3k in revenue. Just on this truck. Did I mention I don't mind running locals? They usually offset the unpaid deadhead miles I run. My wife loves locals. That's pretty much all she runs.
Now, I'm certainly not going to open our "books" to any of you but maybe I just post more of my locations. Or not, since I don't really care.
I just don't sit much. I've been fortunate.

I was snickering at the fact of being a lowly CV driver....cuz someone usually always says to go drive a real truck...

Oh BTW..whilst I contract with 1 carrier we also get our loads from 100,s of different we are not that much different...


Retired Expediter
On second thought, OVM, you're right. I'll delete my last post. I have not consistently generated that revenue and miles. And I should get my odometer checked. Somehow since buying it on 8/6/12 it has racked up 113,500 more miles. Although, I do deadhead home more than anyone on here.
My bad, dude.

Leave it there..every things good.... can't believe you DH home more then me?...1,000 miles from home..and 500 back into service.

I also have airtabs on...


Veteran Expediter
Moderator, please delete #40. I apparently don't know how. And I'm not interested in getting deeper in this subject. I apologize for taking it that far.


Veteran Expediter
Leave it there..every things good.... can't believe you DH home more then me?...1,000 miles from home..and 500 back into service.

I also have airtabs on...

You have me there. But my wife and kids will NOT allow me to be out over the weekend. Regardless if where. I live in Dayton, OH and deadhead home every Friday. Sometimes I have a "drop Monday" on board and go home, but usually just deadhead. I guess my longest deadhead home was once from McCallen. That was 1510 miles. Bad math but on the tail of a huge week. I guess my average deadhead home is only about 350-450 miles each Friday. So maybe that's not as bad as I thought b


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
You have me there. But my wife and kids will NOT allow me to be out over the weekend. Regardless if where. I live in Dayton, OH and deadhead home every Friday. Sometimes I have a "drop Monday" on board and go home, but usually just deadhead. I guess my longest deadhead home was once from McCallen. That was 1510 miles. Bad math but on the tail of a huge week. I guess my average deadhead home is only about 350-450 miles each Friday. So maybe that's not as bad as I thought b

A lot of wasted miles..why not build up and take a week off..that's crazy to dh every each is own..

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Retired Expediter
You have me there. But my wife and kids will NOT allow me to be out over the weekend. Regardless if where. I live in Dayton, OH and deadhead home every Friday. Sometimes I have a "drop Monday" on board and go home, but usually just deadhead. I guess my longest deadhead home was once from McCallen. That was 1510 miles. Bad math but on the tail of a huge week. I guess my average deadhead home is only about 350-450 miles each Friday. So maybe that's not as bad as I thought b

over time it probably averages out...I don't do that but for like every 5-7 weeks...even at 200 miles a week x 7 is 1400.....


Veteran Expediter
Yeah, my total deadhead average % is ridiculous. I dont have my early numbers but since 8/6/12 its 17%. I assume thats really high. But with kids @ 5 & 7 years old and wife that wants me there more, it works. The GREAT weeks offset the crappy weeks. But the "shorty loads" really boost my per mile revenue back up to high levels, in my opinion.
Numbers are boring but I do have them.
Thanks to shorty loads I am at, thru this morning, $1.28 per loaded mile and $1.07 per odometer mile from 8/6/12 thru 11:30 this morning.
Respectable, or not, that's where I am.
I won't share total revenue publicly though. But my wife, kids & I are all happy.
In my opinion, that's what counts.


Veteran Expediter
WAIT!!! I told you I wasn't a math major!! Pulled "new tires" mileage and not odometer miles.
Loaded per mile ave $1.282.
Total DH 28.57%. I knew 17% couldn't be right.
Net revenue per mile $.916.

Sorry, I tried to pull the numbers too quickly.


Retired Expediter
WAIT!!! I told you I wasn't a math major!! Pulled "new tires" mileage and not odometer miles.
Loaded per mile ave $1.282.
Total DH 28.57%. I knew 17% couldn't be right.
Net revenue per mile $.916.

Sorry, I tried to pull the numbers too quickly.

20% DH is about normal....28 is a bit high...but if you can live with it...everything is works for me...:)


Veteran Expediter
That extra 8.57% gets me LOTS of hugs, kisses and play time with my family. Well worth it TO ME.
We are all VERY different in our personal, financial and family needs. Out 3-5 days at a clip works for "The Freeman Clan".


Retired Expediter
That extra 8.57% gets me LOTS of hugs, kisses and play time with my family. Well worth it TO ME.
We are all VERY different in our personal, financial and family needs. Out 3-5 days at a clip works for "The Freeman Clan".

If it works for you That is all that matters! :)


Veteran Expediter
There's really not much more I can add to this article:
Expedite Now Trucking Magazine - An Expediter and his AirTabs

It's why the buffeting when a big truck passes is reduced, why the rear doors stay cleaner (and free of snow for larger trucks with those roll-up doors), and why the road spray behind your vehicle stays lower and out of your mirror views and off the windshields of the vehicles behind you.

Great article. I guess I'm finally sold and see another project in the future.


Rookie Expediter
What are air tabs and where do they sell them? Have not heard of this before.

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Veteran Expediter
I read somewhere that it is somewhere in the neighborhood of a 14 degree taper when vortex generators no longer add an advantage.
