air brake test


Expert Expediter
my husband and i took the written tests for general knowledge, hazmat and air brakes, but we can't seem to get the correct information to take the skills test for our license to get the air brake restriction taken off. we were grandfathered in by the state of ohio, our truck is a C unit. the testing stations keep saying since we have our cdl's we don't need to take a skills test, then HOW do we get rid of the air brake restriction so we can drive our truck? thanks!!


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
You will have to go to a testing station and take the pre-trip/road test in a air-braked vehicle. I went thru this several years ago.. my first driving experience was in a non-air braked vehicle, so I had that restriction also.

Had to retest like I was a newbie. Contact whoever does the testing in your area, and explain you have a air brake restriction, and they should set up a regular test for you.

By the way, if you're still in Ohio, I took mine at Roadmaster driving school in Columbus, and had to show pre-trip skills, maneuverability, then road test...... I think they still administer tests, even if they didn't train you.. .at least a few years ago they did.



Veteran Expediter
Dreamer is right. One more suggestion, when I called for an appointment at our DMV there was a 4 month wait to get tested. Go to a local College that does Truck Driving Testing and for a moderate fee and you may have to rent a truck from Ryder with Airbrakes not the Furniture Truck Division but the Big Rig Division and get a 24 box truck with Airbrakes.

If thats all you need than read it over a couple of times pratice on the truck for an hour and it should be a breeze. I find it Intresting some may say boring but I will read over the booklet and the stuff I forget on brakes/PTI well at least I can admit it. You get the picture.