accident with uninsured motorist


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
would like to here from other expediters who might have any experience with litigation involving striking another vehicle, who was
clearly at fault, had no insurance, and even admitted to the officer
at the scene that she was looking away from the road when she pulled out in front of me.

of course, my policy has uninsured motorist coverage, but i'm not sure
what that exactly means. can i recover not only medical expenses, lost
wages, but also those legal terms, such as: pain & suffering, emotional distress, etc.

i live in charlotte, nc & the accident happened in Manchester, NH.

Feedback would be appreciated.

Thanks!:D :D

Wild Bill

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
I would suggest (I'm sure you have already thought of this) is call the county Bar association in the juristiction of the inicident. (I'm sure the bar association has a website where you can get the number.) Tell them you want the names of several attorneys in the area that specialize in that type of litigation.

Sounds like it should be a slam dunk!


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
According to my insurance man, you can get your truck fixed and your medical bills paid off of your policy, but as far as monetery recovery for pain and suffering, you will have to file a civil suit in court against the other party and if you win,you can get a judgement against her. If she has any money in the bank or any property, the court will order her to pay by forcing her to liquidate any assests she has to satisify the court orderd judgement.

Wanna go broke?
Buy a truck


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Previous advice looks good to me, just remember that any attorney is out there to make money just like we are. If the other driver had insurance your chances of getting an attorney to take the case on a percentage basis (contingency fee) is probably pretty good, in the absence of insurance the attorney is going to be interested as to how and when he will receive compensation, and this of course is a motivational factor at least that is my opinion.
After the major bills have been paid, ie, for your vehicle etc, the pain and suffering (depending on the extent) could be handeled by you in a small claims court. Here again remember even if you win and get a judgement, you can't get blood out of a turnip) simply said, even if you win and they have nothing it is going to be hard to recover. Im not an attorney nor giving legal advice, just trying to help out a fellow expediter. Also a lot of attorneys give a free consultation and there is the place to get the best answer. Keep us posted. Wish you luck.